
Dear Mario Lopez: Go fuck yourself in half. Sincerely, this parent of a trans kid.

Make America F’htagn Again!

As a lifelong ADHD haver, I definitely feel this video.  

Why should I?  Zack Snyder doesn’t.  ;)

ok, but I know kung fu, and you are incorrect.

No that one’s easy.  Kill: Zack Snyder.  Marry/Fuck: The MCU.

Bah that’s sad. I thought this was a really cute, heartfelt show, and I dug it.

Ok but Martin Freeman did a decent job of it in that otherwise middling movie.

You shut your filthy mouth.

Oregon. We’ve got hundreds of miles of awesome twisty forest/country roads, many of which go through incredible vistas - rainforest, high desert, the Columbia River Gorge, the Pacific Ocean, Crater Lake, a whole mess of volcanic mountain ranges.  Just a few miles outside of Portland in any direction you’ll find a

This had better not suck.  

Fair enough. I admit I loved it when I saw it in the theater, but that was mostly down to the incredible music and visuals. When I sat down to watch it later at home, I found myself just kind of bored. Ok, I’m easily bored, but my point stands. Legacy was amazing in the theater, but otherwise generally kind of meh.


Sorry, did you just suggest that Tron: Legacy is the “best” version of Tron?

Well now I know I’m going to have to take some Xanax and maybe wear a diaper and bring a flask and...maybe just not see this movie...yikes. I’ve been haunted by Samara/Sadako for 20 years...not sure I want my dreams for the next 20.

I still haven’t seen her in the trailer.


Oh good now there’s more stuff in this game I have to spend entire evenings playing.  Bye again, real family... lol

Fuck. Yes.

I am definitely going to see this on opening weekend after consuming mass quantities of substances that are legal in my state.