
Dawwww I love this idea. Unfortunately because I constantly lease phones from my carrier, I’m always trading them in, so the only “old” Android phone I have is truly vintage - an original Droid with the slide-out keyboard. Think that’s probably older than they’re looking for.


100% that was an Orson Welles tribute.  

...I’m just going to go over here and...throw up about something else...

I’m only happy if there are no arthropods.

Fucking no. You hand me a plate full of spiders, I’m going to jump out of my seat and then scream until you take them away.

You answered my question elsewhere but alas I cannot seem to delete this. Here’s a puppy.

no love for Samsung on these betas.  Ah well.

Now playing

well there’s a better song they could have sung from Tolkein’s work:

there was SO MUCH PLOT ARMOR this season.

can I vote for you?  

Why do monsters in movies always have to stop and scream at our heroes before just eating them?  

This. Stranger Things is, at its heart, actually a 1980s movie, so in that context, if you put yourself in a Reaganesque 1985 mindset, then a fear of the Ruskies infiltrating America like this is totally plausible. In 1985, we didn’t know about Chernobyl, the Berlin Wall, or how terrible New Coke actually was. Sure,

well in my case, my husband has a Passat that we generally use to cart kids around, but sometimes the kids want to take a fun drive.  :)

I drove one of these. Yawn. I mean, it was fine...

yes but what happens when the kids grow out of the child seats and need somewhere to put their legs?  There’s no room for actual legs back there.  Source: I have crammed two teenagers into that car and it was kind of comical.  

GTIs are great until they’re not, which can happen very suddenly and expensively.  And then happen again.  Source: me.  

The WRX is also on another planet as far as PRICE. I couldn’t find one under $20,000 when I was looking, but I found a certified used BRZ for under $20,000.

I agree assuming this person isn’t tall.  I’m 5'11 and my head bumped the ceiling in this car.  Could only drive it if I reclined my seat more than I expect to in a car.  Weirdly, my BRZ has more headroom despite being a smaller and lower car.  

As the owner of a BRZ, I can confirm that it is fun and flingable. But I really, really doubt you could get a kayak on the roof. I will also say that my best highway mpg showing is around 25, and that was in 6th gear going about ...the speed limit, officer.