
I heard about all of the cowardly jerks trying to duck their constituents by invoking the name of Gabby Giffords, and figured I was honor-bound to attend one if I was lucky enough to have responsible reps.

Oh yeah, healers are crazy-useful on FE:Heroes. I didn't know how helpful they'd be, but now it's a huge hassle any time I assemble a team without a healer and realize halfway through a battle that I could have won if I could just nudge up the health of a character or two. Plus, once they get offensive spells, they're

Oh crap, I forgot I could do that! I'll be trading some people in, since I've finally run short on feathers after upgrading a few people. Heck, Shareena (that's her name, right?) is finally a 4 star character on my game.

Agreed on FE: Heroes - I haven't spent a dime yet, and am unsure why I would. On the other hand, I'll spend some money out of principle at some point, since it's too good (and too beautifully illustrated) to be free. What did you think of the quests? As a person who recently wrapped up the main storyline and the

Argh, the idea of being expected to be "on the clock" any time an email is received is just mind-boggling to me. That's such an unhealthy work environment.

I really appreciated that the enemies in Zelda 1 don't respawn every time I entered a screen. Don't know why they altered that for the sequel, as it felt like more engaging to battle them in Zelda 1, knowing that you'd have carved out a safe space (for a little while, at least).

That's 100% my take on Twilight Princess. Ocarina of Time was, necessarily, more ground-breaking, but Twilight Princess feels like a fulfillment of the promise in its predecessor. The dungeons are exciting, the open spaces are vast (if still a touch empty), and the swordplay is excellent.

Shoot, those exclusives this past year have made that console a lot more attractive to me, but espresso would clinch the sale. Yummy!

Haha, anecdotally, I feel like you have had significantly worse luck in Fire Emblem Heroes than anyone else I've talked to on here. I did finally have a circle with nothing about three stars, but that was the only time - I think I've gotten one five star in virtually every other summon circle. Although I feel like

Thanks for sharing that site again - I recall enjoying a few articles on it last year, and now I've got something good to read this afternoon!

If you're not caught up in hype, or super-wedded to the Switch concept (as I am - I need glasses to do anything on the TV, so portable is preferable), you should absolutely wait to buy one. It's just a smarter consumer move, as you likely get lower prices, a larger library, and few to no hardware bugs.

Funny enough, despite intending to, I neglected to use a guide for Death Mountain (except to find out why Ganon wasn't dying after I seemed to beat him four times). It was surprisingly doable without a guide, but I had a fair amount of time to kill and finally had enough rupees to buy healing items.

I'll prioritize that. Thanks! I'm basically trying not to start anything that'll take me long to finish, since Zelda is coming out on Friday and I'm diving in headfirst :)

Holy crap, is Night in the Woods out? I need to jump on that!

Yes, absolutely. Rarely is the 'Mature' rating a sign of legitimate maturity of content.

I suspect Brad may not be a Gameological regular ;-)

I'm of two minds on this. I think a game can address complex issues (and in many cases can do so better than a less interactive piece of art), but you're rarely going to find something seriously engaging with these issues when developers are pumping millions into it. I love the indie scene for this purpose, as those

This is 100% my situation, and likely why I got a lot more interested in the Wii U and 3DS than I had been in the last few generations of Nintendo hardware. A 30 hour game, especially one featuring discrete chapters/levels, is a heck of a lot more appealing to me at this moment in my life than a sprawling epic. I

Eh, I'm reasonably interested in it, and was far more excited after watching the Treehouse presentation. I suspect it's the kind of game that needs to be seen in action to be appreciated.

Heck yeah. I recall hearing that the eShop would have version of… some popular party game? Can't remember the title. I've enjoyed indies on Wii U and 3DS so much that they will likely continue being one of my main sources of play on the Switch, especially given that Nintendo's only been increasing their outreach to