
Heck yeah! I guess we're not supposed to talk about it here, but I always enjoyed playing SNES titles on my PSP. That said, I've been pretty scared to do any modifications to my Nintendo hardware, since they tend to keep their value and I've got a fancy-pants PC these days. That said, the idea of having a portable

You ever see Skyward Sword in HD? I played it that way in Dolphin, and good heavens is it gorgeous - the character models are fine, but the environmental design, particularly the filters applied to the background, make you feel like you're exploring a watercolor painting. It's not quite Okami levels of visual

I'd encourage you towards picking up a Switch, then, although you may want to wait and see if there are any solid price reductions or deals by November 2017. The Wii U has effectively been discontinued, and while I owned and enjoyed one, its catalog is reasonably slim (though it had the finest first party Nintendo

Yeah, I'm not proud of it but it's true. It was longer than I was expecting, and I was getting pretty annoyed at the hitbox around the 2/3 point of the game.

My wife's villager consistently wears Samus' helmet, if memory serves. It looks so delightfully bonkers on someone otherwise wearing a t-shirt and shorts. I think she briefly wore Majora's Mask as well - glad her character didn't bring down the moon, eh?

That CPU thing sounds sooooo intriguing. I can think of a game or two that I own which would benefit from improved framerate (DQVII, 7th Dragon, and Gurumin 3D).

Good to hear that Tank Troopers is enjoyable enough. I was completely sold on it until I discovered it didn't have an online component. I may buy it simply to support the IP and encourage them to make another one, this time with an online component, but remain unsure. Keep us informed on the single player campaign if

It's funny - I was bad at the battle on the bridge, but still liked it because it was such a cool set-piece. The mechanics were a bit opaque, but the circumstances were interesting, and in some ways unique enough to pull it off.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. In addition to your apt observation about revisiting an area with limited powers in Skyward Sword, the actual mood and nightmarish intensity of the Silent Realm was an appealing sidebar to the main game too. Those guardians were genuinely creepy, and for some reason they consistently

The escort mission is absolutely the low point of Twilight Princess, so it's all up from here! I found the same to be true with that stupid flying robot in Skyward Sword. Lord willing, Nintendo will have learned at some point between 2011 and 2017 that escort missions suck.

Oh cool, I was wondering how your Zelda "marathon" was going. I did the same, but a few remain unfinished because I lost interest: Link to the Past, Spirit Tracks, and Oracle of Seasons. I figured it was more valuable to have played them a bit, to experience them, rather than becoming irritated with them over time.

There's a lot to be said for that - I certainly looked up stuff for Ocarina of Time and Zelda 2 using walkthroughs. A few things mitigate it in the original LoZ: (1) the world is significantly smaller, (2) it is more foreign to modern game design, so even the exploration feels like an intriguing mechanic and, most

I find slowdown in emulation kind of fascinating, as even on the superior 3DS processor those Darknuts cause the game to move at a reduced speed. I guess the integrity of the original game's speed needs to be maintained overall, or maybe someone would make an artistic argument in favor of including the original game's

I love the guys in the original game who make you pay for their 'door repair,' even though their door is just the side of a cliff. It adds a certain verisimilitude that later games would never try to recreate (except perhaps that angry shopkeeper in Link's Awakening or the cuckoo mob appearing when you harass their

I'm glad someone's getting excited for 1-2-Switch, haha. I'm so on the fence about it, which is funny since Nintendo Land has been a mainstay of parties at the Brakeman household since 2015. On the other hand, I didn't have to separately buy Nintendo Land, which is likely a major factor. Looking forward to hearing the

Yes! Darknuts are terrible. The two things that made them more bearable than wizzros, for me, was their lack of projectiles and their susceptibility to being stunned with the boomerang.

Funny enough, I had it as a kid (I guess my dad had bought it for himself or something, and didn't play it? I don't know, I inherited the NES as a boy). Like Doctuar, though, I only played it for about five minutes, maybe once a year, to remind myself how much I couldn't stand it. Not sure if it, or its sequel, were a

Oh wow, this calls into question everything I thought I knew about you. Is your medical degree fraudulent, too? My world is upside-down.

Psh, those fatcats in Dungeon 7 are always trying to keep everything for themselves. They can go to hell!

I read your hint - thank you! That's not where I would have looked, as I already thought I had thoroughly explored those woods. That's vague enough, too, that it will just point me in a direction without spoiling the exploration.