
I've been sitting on this all week, not sure about it, as I'd already upped my ACLU monthly giving last month (got a small raise at work, figured I was comfortable enough already); seeing that other charities were featured, though, I reduced the ACLU donation to $0 and split the remainder 50/50 between International

I want to play this game more now, as I finally got around to watching the first season of Twin Peaks this week and Deadly Premonition, as I understand it, is effectively Twin Peaks: The Game.

This weekend, I'm playing The Legend of Zelda. It took me half the week, but I finally made it through the utterly wretched Dungeon 6. Wizzros SUCK. It's much the same situation that irritated with late-game Dark Souls 3, in which the game plays to its weaknesses rather than its strengths - Link's movement in this

WHAAAAAAT?! A Teti-helmed TV program? I'll watch. Well, I don't know if I get Fusion TV, but if I get that channel, I'll watch.

Wasn't Shantae: Half-Genie Hero funded through Kickstarter too? That game was great!

Yeah, I was disappointed about the apparently arbitrary decision not to include a browser until I heard this. Bearing the exploit issue in mind, I don't know why they'd even bother including one - it's certainly not something that'll make or break a sale.

I did the same. I think it's the smiling face on that stick guy that really sells it.

Yeah, I've got it pre-ordered (along with Zelda) and sure as heck won't be picking it up until the evening of March 3, after work. On the other hand, standing in line at midnight for a pre-order does feel a little sillier than standing in line at midnight with the hope of getting something that's only available in

Huh, I'm almost certain I've encountered that Miiverse post within Splatoon during the game's normal period (post-review). Could be wrong, but I recall laughing quite a bit about it.

AHHH, I love the use of Miiverse posts as graffiti in levels. That was genuinely inspired, and always makes me smile.

I've had that happen. And I've given advice via MiiVerse before as well - I think in both Xenoblade X and Super Mario 3D World. That little sense of community is a really nice feature that always kept you aware that you were playing the same games as everyone else, progressing along with them. In much the same way as

I've always been fond of Steam's community section on their game interface for the same reason. Getting to see the cool tips, links, and community-made artwork is just a neat little bonus before or after a game session.

I've heard that Best Buy is getting a non-pre-order shipment for midnight releases, at which you can get a ticket if you are among those standing in line early enough. Details here:…

I never used it as much as I should have, but I did like documenting discoveries in Xenoblade using the service (and seeing others' discoveries) along with the application in Mario Maker. It was forever heartening to turn on the game and scroll through people's comments and bizarre surrealist art posted in response to

Ugh, contemplating the end of our fair society is a cruelty I'd rather not imagine. Aside from that (and perhaps because of it), this is one of the more eloquent posts I've seen online. Thanks!

This is a work of art.

Good call - darknuts suck. The main thing that's made them bearable for me is that they are susceptible to being frozen by the boomerang, right?

I'd strongly encourage you to stay home if you have sick time. It's actively harmful to your coworkers to have you there, though I definitely relate to the feeling of wanting to go in even though I'm still kind of coughing/snotty. We just had a supervisor at my office this week who "persevered" and came to the office,

Thanks for sharing your Zelda story. I recall that my family owned it when I was a child, but I only recall putting it on once or twice, hating it (I was a platformer kid), and never playing it again. It actually holds up far, far better than anticipated; unsurprisingly, it's much more fun to play than its immediate

I found the story middling, but the characters' interpersonal relationships are quite engaging as they develop over time.