
Oh yeah - I've always meant to get Mario Kart 7 on 3DS, but haven't ever gotten around to it. Its inclusion of Queen Bee as a playable character is a big plus, as far as I'm concerned, but I suspect it might feel like a step backwards from Mario kart 8 on the Wii U.

I'm 100% with you on The Witcher 3. I've never been able to make it past the Bloody Baron quest. It has so many great pieces in place - the environments are beautiful and feel lived-in, the dialogue is well-written, and the acting is excellent. Unfortunately, it's all in service of a deeply unpleasant narrative

Intriguingly, I believe Dynasty Warriors started out as a Soul Calibur-esque fighter.

Thanks for joining our Friday thread!

Eagle Flight is actually the VR game I find most intriguing. I doubt I'll ever be able to appreciate the format, but I love that it's offering experiences like this.

Ugh, I was so disappointed that I missed MK8 on the 8th, as I'd been looking forward to it for a few weeks. Hope it was a great time!

That's obnoxious re: Fire Emblem Heroes. I was kind of annoyed when Super Mario Run came out on Apple products, but not Android, and I'm still over here waiting for an Android release. It would be even more annoying to have it be a regional thing, I'd imagine.

Yes! Nameless King was, by a wide margin, the toughest boss fight in the game for me. Did you beat him solo? That seems impossible, as I was only able to take him out as part of a three-person team. Havel was a great duel, though.

Oh yeah, I'll be facing some tough decisions once my Lucina gets up to level 20. She's a pretty standard swordsman, but is very, very strong. She may be my only 5 star character, too. But then who to swap out? Ugh, I love the team building in this much as I loved the deck building in Hearthstone - that tight limit

Good call! I forgot about the initial downloads.

Thanks for sharing! I'll check this out. (I'd also add Xenoblade X, Woolly World & Rainbow Curse to that Wii U essentials list)

I'm very curious about what that producer was saying. Like, how different is the game experience with a single Joycon vs. either a pro controller or two Joycons? It's hard to imagine a game being playable with only a fraction of its controller, and I'm not sure I've ever encountered that before. Funny enough, this may

I've been sooooo on the fence about the controller situation. On the one hand, the pro controller for Wii U is as nice a controller as I've ever used. On the other hand, I hear that Zelda plays reasonably well with the Joycon Grip. Then there's the issue of a second set of Joycons, as I'm picking up Bomberman and am

To be fair, I'm reasonably sure that streaming video will come later, as it did on the last generation of Nintendo hardware. That's a big leap, though, and folks are right to be skeptical. The smartphone issue is a bit annoying too, but how annoying will hinge upon its implementation. Requiring a smartphone for any

I'm in a similar refund situation. That said, I need to replace the siding on my chimney before our next HOA inspection this upcoming summer, so I really need to put this money into savings. I'm still seriously considering splurging a little bit and picking up Unseen64's Video Games You Will Never Play book, then

Welcome to the 3DS club! It's a truly delightful console, and if you didn't have a DS, you've basically got years and years ahead of two of gaming's best console libraries. Also, while I haven't spent much time on Animal Crossing: New Leaf, it may well be my wife's favorite game - she's been playing it now for two

The interesting thing about Gamecube games is that they can look great, and I primarily play them using my Dolphin setup on a fancy computer, but it requires some reasonably heavy lifting; my laptop couldn't handle it, and I don't know if the Switch will be powerful enough to emulate a Gamecube with resolution/texture

Huh, should I buy Game & Wario? I'd never even heard of it before 2016 (having bought my Wii U "late" into the system's life cycle at the end of 2014), and I have a group of friends that enjoys the Luigi's Mansion and Mario Chase games on NintendoLand. I typically buy games for the single-player experience, but a

Absolutely. Selling 1-2-Switch separately may be the most unfortunate decision in the console launch, though your idea is an even better way around that - just include a demo, or a handful of games. It's hard to imagine many people buying a party game sight-unseen.

Added you on Fire Emblem. What an entertaining game! I've got oodles of stamina potions for some reason (maybe a quest reward), but have rarely played the game long enough in one sitting to need them, so the stamina issue hasn't bothered me yet. We'll see where it's at in a few weeks. So far, I suspect I'll be able to