
I haven't heard much about Tumbleseed, but the tiny bit I heard made it seem appealing. I'm also planning to take a long weekend after the Switch launch - gotta get as much Zelda in as my eyes can handle.

Yeah, you and me both. I'm optimistic for that route, if only because that's how they approached the Wii U after the Wii, but you never know. There aren't many games I'd re-buy, but I can think of a few that I always like to have on hand (Super Mario World comes to mind).

So I'm super-excited for the Switch, but there are a few baffling issues, as there always are with Nintendo:

Hahaha, is Dragonkin Mausoleum an actual place, or is this a humorous take on Archdragon Peak. Because it totally sounds like a Dark Souls place, but I didn't encounter it in DS3 and I'm pretty sure I played the entire game.

Yeah, it does. Kind of obnoxious, to be sure, but it apparently uses virtually no data. It would be a problem for playing on the go if you're using a tablet or iPod without a 3G/4G connection, but I think it would still be worthwhile with those devices - most of my time with the game has actually been playing it on my

She may well be a glass cannon, actually. She's unlikely to stand toe to toe with armored units, but keeping her just a hair back from the front so she can either double an ally's turn or jump in to get a strike in on an unarmored axe or green tome user is a solid use for her.

Wha?! You don't like Archdragon Peak? It was definitely a slim step down from the quality of earlier areas, but I found it to be a step up from some of the adjacent environments - I'm looking at you, Lothric Castle.

The combat in Nioh is more fun that Dark Souls?! I may have to check it out, since I've long found Dark Souls pretty much the pinnacle of medieval melee combat systems in games. The "plot" sounds pretty kooky, but who really plays these games for a story anyway?

I've been lucky to get a very representative group of characters, but I've honed it down to about two good swordsmen, two good axe users (one flying and one ground), two good spearmen (again one flying and one ground), two spellcasters (one mounted and one ground), two healers, and one archer. I'd like another archer,

I'd been waiting for Radiant Mode on Darkest Dungeon, since 80 hours is patently ridiculous for a grindy RPG, but now I'm deep into Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky and Zelda's coming out in three weeks. How did I go from not knowing what to play to having too many compelling options?!

Oh man, I can't recommend Woolly World highly enough - it's one of the best games on the Wii U, and as pleasant a side-scroller as you'll ever find. Plus the bonus levels are extremely challenging.

This weekend I'm mostly playing Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. It's such a humorous, charming game. I've just concluded Chapter One, narrowly eking out victory in a couple of fights against large numbers of sky bandits in their hideout. The plot remains shockingly engaging, as I'm invested in the characters and

This video is pretty hilarious.

I've heard nothing but good things. Also, as a person who regularly travels to Maryland's Eastern Shore for work, I find the setting a rare opportunity to see my actual local environment represented on-screen.

Haha, I don't think I ever got that far in the game!

Great find!

Believe it or not, this is the very first time I've ever bought a console at release. So I'm quite hyped, legitimate remaining issues aside (why oh why is the charger port on the bottom?!). That said, I haven't managed to have a dream related to it yet - my subconscious had damn well get on that, as waiting for

Having died a hopelessly large number of times on my own Super Mario Maker levels, I remain impressed with this guy's platformer abilities.

When you get done with RE7, there's a great dissection over at Rock Paper Shotgun. It's spoiler-heavy, so don't go there until you've finished the game.