
You kind of wonder how they settled on 15 as the max number of deaths for that achievement, don't you? I wonder if that was just the best that the developers could pull off.

That game's so great! Though funny enough, the Prankster remixes were my favorite part. They wouldn't work without the underlying structure, but I always felt like they offered a cool, intense twist on a level you'd already gotten familiar with.

More power to you for getting that far in Sunshine. I played it waaaay back when it was released, and didn't care it at all. To this day, it's the only 3D Mario game I don't care for (and is rivaled in Mario's 2D outings only by the original Super Mario Land).

I've played Hyper Light Drifter, and may be the only person in the world who didn't love it. The gameplay is solid, and it may be the most beautiful game released last year (aside from my beloved Paper Mario: Color Splash), but it features no language at all. It tries to convey its plot and directions through visuals,

For Valentine's Day, my wife and I have a cherished tradition of going to Qdoba for their Valentine's Day "Kiss for a BOGO" special, taking that home, and sharing a 'romantic' burrito & wine dinner. We love good deals.


Oh my goodness, this would be a perfect Switch game. The controls wouldn't be so extensive that you couldn't use a Joycon, the visuals don't need to be PS4/XBone level, and you'd have a killer beat-em-up to take with you and play with others. I need to find some way to pitch this, haha.

I remember being utterly baffled by that game. I've watched YouTube videos that show how you were supposed to proceed, and it feels obvious in retrospect, but I remember getting hung up on every darned level and never making it very far. Juggernaut was the most notorious one in my memory, as I recalled his level being

It turns out that the game I thought Mutant Apocalypse was is actually X-Men (1993) for the Sega Genesis. Having not owned a Super Nintendo in my youth - something I regret to this day - the X-Men title on Sega was played more often than most games in my household. The funny thing is, I don't think I even owned it. If

Argh, why doesn't this game exist?! I'm not even an X-Men fan and I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

I wasn't sure I could feel more cultural shame than I did on November 9, but finding out yesterday that Bannon was Catholic managed to strike at my faith identify much as Trump struck at my national identity.


I think part of it may simply be a unique atmosphere and world. There aren't many long-form post-apocalyptic stories on TV, and it has good actors and strong production values. I don't care for it, as the show lost me after the nihilistic end to its hospital sub-plot, but I think there is a strong visual element there

Wha?! I had no idea that the head Telltale writer moved on to Firewatch, but that makes so much sense in retrospect.

Weirdly, having seen both a few times (Romero's most recently at the end of 2015), I actually strongly prefer Snyder's version. Neither are excellent films, but Snyder's has a more visceral vision and a clearer plot, along with one of the best opening sequences in horror cinema, so I'd give him the nod. The original

I remember being excited for this renaissance, having grown up on zombie fiction shown to me way too early by my zombie-fan father. Like most cultural movements, it sort of devoured itself in short order. I don't hate zombie fiction, but it clearly became oversaturated. Additionally, by the time of the Walking Dead,

There aren't a lot of projects I would kickstart, but Radiata Stories 2 is among them.

This is actually the only negative assessment of Oxenfree that I've read, and while I enjoyed the game enough (I didn't love it), I think your take is legit. Thank you for broadening the critical conversation.

This sounds like every 18 year old's crummy daydream.

It's a big step up for mobile strategy from XCOM, despite XCOM being the "fuller" game, specifically for the reason you mentioned. The load times are short, the visuals are crisp and uncluttered, and the matches are brief but strategic. I played it during my lunch break today and was thoroughly satisfied.