
I am not even slightly, remotely into MMOs of any kind, but I’m glad people are having fun.

I’m sure Duke Nukem Forever will present me with an entire laundry list of complaints, ad hominem attacks, and spurious questions about my parentage...

Meanwhile, over at CD Projekt:

I grew up in New England. You can set your watch by the afternoon thunderstorms. The hot, humid air cools a little, supersaturation happens, and then BOOM, like an Australian, better run, better take cover.

Everyone thinks they’re Jean Valjean. We need a few more Javerts in the world.

Now playing

I’d have dug a small tunnel under my table at Domino’s where I could create an underground pipeline dedicated to exfiltrating entire pizzas for hours.”

Well gee, THAT makes me feel safe and secure and not at all like an extra in a Terminator movie...

Is that the Mountain Goats’ whole musical oeuvre? Banging on one note on a piano and singing without regard for tonality, melody, or rhythm?

I have played enough stuff that was more than competently developed and/or brought through Early Access or given a DLC or whatever games do in 2020.

If I played a game that did this, my reaction would be something to the effect of “fuck this, fuck this, fuck everything about this, fuck the King’s Guard, fuck the city, fuck the king, FUCK!”

The only one who’s allowed to impersonate Patrick Stewart is Brent Spiner when he’s using the voice to commandeer the Enterprise.

I hadn’t seen Epic’s whole financial picture; just figured that this...well, epic a loss in their store investment had to be dragging the whole company’s earnings onto the wrong side of zero in some kind of long-game sacrifice.

We’ve seen an AI replicate a stiff, stilted delivery. When it can replicate an actor with range that’s more sniper rifle than staple gun, then I’ll be impressed.

My new life goal is to get someone doing this while I play Total War, and by “someone” I mean “an orchestra”.”

I have, on occasion, shared a meal from the same can with a cat, but such is life when said cat’s love of the water from canned tuna dictates your sandwich preferences.

SaGa Frontier Remastered?

What’s more, you can guess someone’s age by the retro aesthetic they like best.

“Late-stage capitalism” is someone’s way of identifying themselves as someone who can no more define “capitalism” than the right-wingers they constantly rail against can correctly define “socialism”.

they rely to a shocking degree on constantly suckering in new investors to keep themselves afloat. That’s what we call a “bubble””

Gods know Steam needs a good competitor—they’re not going to get better store curation, for example, until someone else shows them a better way to do it AND starts swiping their customers as a result—but Epic, so far, ain’t it.