
Seth Meyers is pretty terrible imo, he was atrocious at weekend update and has a very punchable face

I thought the Murder Mystery sketch was fucking hilarious

Season 9 of Seinfeld was pretty atrocious….can't believe people would up vote this

Ew gross no way

What is it about this show making episodes about people buying gifts every other episode?

Iron Man 3 was pure trash for far more reasons than just the Mandarin twist.

MI4 was a bit flat after the thrill ride that was 3, I couldn't help thinking during the car elevator scene how much better Abrams would have handled that setpiece.

Absolutely not

JJ Abrams directing work on MI3 is absolutely stunning and for that reason it's pretty much even with the first one for my favorite in the series. I feel like MI4 is much overrated in comparison to the third and felt like the direction was sorely lacking the spark that Abrams gave the series.

Reading through this just makes me realise how slapdash the nominations for so many of the technical awards are. Really, only 3 nominations for hair & make up? That's a complete fucking insult to the craft, how lazy are the academy exactly?


Spoiler alert..

Oh and I totally still miss Andrea.

Frankly I loved this episode, the tension really made it into an episode I was glued to. The direction of Rick in the house was perfect and the decision to make merely the sounds and conversations of the men in the house the main focus rather than showing them wondering around looking menacing was a smart one.

It was more an episode with a lot of great tension and good Michonne development.

Some of us don't enjoy infanticide on our Sunday nights? Does that really shock you? If so, you might just have a little Lizzie in you yourself.

Wow really? I thought the teaser was fantastic.

Maybe the group will be banished for being dysfunctional dicks.

You could see Tyrese running away with Judith in the mid season finale.

you're disgusting