
Katie Cassidy is just looking terrible now, I don't know what happened to the beautiful girl next door last season. Her entire face shape has changed and she's WAY too skinny. - genuinely sad.

The "You look evil" line was one of the cheesiest lines I've heard in recent memory, still a very good episode.

Those two episodes were fantastic, really great Community writing.

Good God! I can't stand looking at Laurel's face anymore. That chin implant is simply grotesque, why oh why did she have to ruin a beautiful face?

I disagree, I feel like season 2 was really excellent, season 3 continued that and a decline began in season 4 when they'd really mined the "drawing out Pawnee“ well dry.

The first Kimye sketch was fantastic, this one was very half-assed

Eh…Parks and Rec season 1 was pretty decent and there's really no reason to start HALFway through season 2 is there?

Did she beat you in an audition or something? She was alright..

Out what? Never heard of it…checks boxofficemojo…$13 million domestic gross, nope, not big.

wtf is a manikin

I know I'm not, lots of people loved season 5, go see the comments section for that article about Alec Baldwin hating on season 5. Pretty sure a lot of people recognize it as a big step up in quality after a disappointing season 4.

Season 5 was a high point for 30 Rock, when their comedic writing was on fire and they explored a lot of hilarious comedic concepts.


American Dad will always be there for us, I'm also proud that it has managed to stay great for so many years and continues to pump out episodes that entertain and surprise me.

B*tch was one of the best sitcoms of recent years

It started declining in season 6, for some reason they couldn't keep up the freshness or quality of season 5. I did feel however that Hazel actually lent a freshness the show needed in the last 2 seasons.

Season 7!? Really? I mean it was good but it certainly wasn't up to season 2 or 5's standards.


Sounds like the first one then, a group of people making a movie but too lazy to polish the script or editing.

That was brilliant