
It's like people on the Walking Dead boards on imdb that really make me question the people who watch that show. Threads such as "They should kill her because she doesn't do much" and "Why didn't they just kill that man?" and "If it were me, I'd just kill them".
I mean Jesus Christ folks, killing isn't meant to be

Modern Family at 34, LOL WTF

I was on the facebook page for Hell's Kitchen and got Robb and Joffrey news spoiled for me. Sigh.

Fuck yes

It's fluffy summer fun, I definitely want to see it. I like a good twist.

Voyager is definitely the most "female" of Star Trek although a large part of that is that none of the male characters ever really took off.

Don't forget none of the writers could ever remember how many crewmembers were on the ship.

Ok well sure they like to explore but who wants to be 75 years away from home? What would you expect them to react like?

That's truly bizarre. You just really hate latter day Trek huh.

That's unfortunate to hear. The British version this is based on is hugely popular and amazingly watchable even for people who don't cook at all. Also, you can't expect to know EVERYTHING about someone after one measly episode.

Oh believe me, I'm not, she looked fantastic.

You're right about "Infinite Regress"….fantastic concept, but not so great execution means it's kind of a wasted opportunity. A microcosm indeed.

How could Handeln write about a show he hasn't seen?

Season 3 was a fucking struggle but it got a LOTbetter in the last quarter of the season

"Real Life" was emotionally manipulative garbage.

Really? "Prime Factors", "Phage", "Jetrel", "State of Flux", "Eye of the Needle"? None of them did anything for you, I find Voyager's first season to have the highest ratio of great episodes but I guess it helps it's only 16 episodes long.

You really should watch Voyager, ithas some truly brilliant episodes of Trek. Allow me to give you my top 15.

@avclub-64ad8f3af92ef8d9a1c7dfd7265e577d:disqus  You're totally right. "Before and After" came out of nowhere when I was losing hope in Voyager whatsoever at the end of season 3 and showed that not only could the show be great but so could the character of Kes. Ironically it showed around the same time as Harry

Kes wasn't *sexy* but she was a fairly enjoyable presence among the cast and was a lot prettier than Jeri Ryan in the face.
As for her role in the show, it's true that she was a TOTALLY different character from Seven so replacing Kes with Seven made very little sense. To paraphrase sfdebris, replacing Kes with Seven

There was nothing special about the last season, season 6 on the other hand did have some amazing highs.