
Lee Marvin vs Derek Jeter gets like a D for me, that along with Dinosaur Land were really poor season 4 episodes.

This was the weakest episode to feature Elaine Strich imo

"And what if we pick the wrong religion? Every week we’re just making God madder and madder"

Lots of poor people died

No way does he make that much!

This is one of the worst primetime dramas I have ever had the displeasure of watching. I only watched the first episode and I've heard from people who carried on watching that it didn't improve. Crappy production values/no sense of scale or being at sea/no sense of panic/random character interactions/bad acting/bad

It gets a B- from me, I felt much of the episode just wasn't very funny and the resolution of the plots at the end with Jeff's speech just fell flat for me. The whole having no shame thing all just seemed nonsensical to me and I don't really know how it tied into the episode.

Ugh this episode just wasn't very funny, I hardy laughed at all. And jokes about Jenna being abused by celebrities at sea are getting boring.

Seriously? The UK song is pretty fun

Har har har

That's such an out of touch assessment - critical but not applicable to most real life viewers. Do you really think there were tens of millions of people sitting at home thinking "I identify with the self absorption shown by the characters and now I feel affronted that they're being punished"? Give me a break.

Nah…the time is over, DS9 is off the air, writing fanfiction for it seems incredibly pointless. Maybe if it was 1995 (and I wasn't a kid) then I'd be happy to pitch all my episode ideas to the VOY and DS9 writers.

I once thought of a DS9 story which would involve the Dax symbiont shutting down temporarily and Jadzia realizing that she prefers life without the memories of 6 other people……it would have made a really great episode.

The British video was pretty awesome

Yeah I don't think it was "hilarious" but that's not to say the jokes/humorous lines were all terrible…..but the plots really did drag it all down

What are you talking about? I loved "Valentine's Day", it doesn't bother me when characters act goofy as long as they keep the plots and interactions fresh and funny.

Its not all about the jokes, fun and unique stories are important too. ADUHH

You've seen every episode of the show and you can't remember a single instance where the writers played a trick on Jenna and she tried to get revenge? Are you kidding?

30 Rock didn't get over 6 million viewers once last season

Nah, it was not "hilarious" nor were the plots original. The actual jokes were quite funny but the plots and interactions were tired which further detracted from the episode.