
They've never had Jenna get "revenge" on the writers? Do you not watch this show? The whole writers mess with Jenna ao she messes with them plot has been done loads of times. And there have been Jack and Pete stories where Jack tries to help Pete. I can only assume you haven't seen very many episodes - I recently did

It matters to me if a sitcom replays out three plots they've basically done before in the same damned episode. Staleness detracts from funniness.

Its a pity though because season 5 was sooo good, the writing team they had at that time was clearly nearly perfect. I wish things had stayed the same.

This episode was high on concept but somewhat low on laughs. Good but only a B from me.

30 Rock has been strongest when doing something new this season, that's why the whole TV movie plot was so damned strong and funny.

How was it great though?
Jenna gets "revenge" on the writers - this plot has been done to death
Jack tries to help Pete because he's so pathetic- also done several times
Tracy starts acting well but Liz realizes she has to do something that will make it end/has dilemma - done at least once before

It was pretty bad tbh

It really wasn't a very good episode. The Tracy plot was so stupid and unfunny, total flop.
I see it was written by two new writers and they certainly didn't take any risks - all of the plots have been done before at least once or in Jenna's case probably 50 times.
There were some good jokes in there but it all felt so

You must be joking -.-

You must be joking.

Surprised it got an A, people on IMDB aren't loving this episode at all.

What do you have against multi-part episodes?

"Let's not require viewers to have seen a previous episode in order to understand another one so they can run out of order in syndication"……um yeah, that's what Voyager execs said and look what we got.
Anyway, decent reviews except for some writing errors, also no grades? O.o

The Mummy was an awesome popcorn flick, unfortunately the sequels sucked

Um that wasn't much of an apology.
"I'm sorry I didn't predict that someone in the audience would record me playing the voicemail and I'm an asshole….that's just me". Wow great o.O

HELLZ NO! Pierce is an awesome character

Something interesting I read about the actress playing Tyrion's exotic new lover.
" In December 2006, at an anti-domestic violence event of the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet in Berlin, she stated "I have experienced myself that physical and psychological violence is seen as normal in Muslim families. Unfortunately

I don't expect character growth in Family Guy……..I expect to laugh a LOT, and unfortunately the show doesn't even fucking provide that. No matter how bad this show gets, the ratings are decent……and of course the writers realize they dont even need to fucking try

Because the show would feel incomplete without Pierce, he's been bringing the laughs from day 1.

Community simply won't work without Pierce/Chevy