
Ugh, I can't believe there's a gimmick poster relating to one of the most utterly pointless an d redundant episodes ever in Star Trek.

Huh? He was referring to Miles having met Data, not Bashir.
Also I'm almost certain Bashir had met Data at this point anyway

Also I'm not gonna lie but I am disappointed that there is no grade being attached to these episodes…its one of the reasons I signed up with the AV club, I liked the grading system.

Haha true.

Ridiculously good episode

Dan Harmon is a pretty unpleasant human being from what I've seen of him. Being some sort of "creative genius" does not mean that you can act like a dick. Somehow I don't see Tina Fey doing anything like this.

I don't know what people's problem with Hazel is, I can't wrap my head around it. Her performance is really great for what her character is meant to be, and there's nothing wrong with the character at all!

The Kate Middleton joke also fell completely flat for me…..Rabin and I haven't been on the same wavelength for a long time

Wasn't a C+ episode for me but it was slightly sloppy, also is it just me or is Tracy Morgan's line delivery getting even worse?
Edit- Rewatched it, probably would give it a solid B.

Raj being gay would make no sense! Remember when he was fantasizing about Bernadette? Um…why would a gay person be doing that? There are a million other examples of him being interested in women in a very real way. So if they made him gay, it would reinforce the fallacy that straight people can just become gay

Uh, the TNG movies were generally pretty awful but the TV shows? Nah, they were pretty damned good. Sure Voyager and Enterprise weren't as good as TNG/DS9 but they still had some of the best sci-fi writing on television. I'm not a purist because I've actually sat down and watched every single Trek episode, some people

It doesn't make sense that there would still be Christians/Muslims in Star Trek's future, it makes no sense. How could people still believe in all that once hundreds of other races had been discovered and man was traveling the galaxy? It just doesn't mesh and you'd have to be crazy to believe it.

How was that a spoiler?

If Raj is gay…then they might do the whole "Raj realizes he's gay" thing….despite the fact he's like 34 in the show or whatever. It suggests that gay people don't know they're gay from a very young age just like straight people know they're straight from a very young age, further suggesting that people just turn gay

Can this "Trayvon" Martin thing just blow over already? Its not a big deal.

I was really annoyed when Kassidy's father was said to be a pastor… went against Roddenberry's vision totally.

Louise Fletcher as Kai Winn was just sublime, never have I enjoyed hating a character so much.

Why do you even care that Trekkers complain about the new movie if you dislike the franchise so much?

I wish the actress would travel back in time and stay there.

That's one of my major issues with nu-Trek. Star Trek is a TV franchise, always has been and always will be. So to have it existing right now as just a movie franchise with no TV anchor (such as the TOS movies) is just so un-Trek to me.