
Voyager was 168 episodes, it isn't hard to find 2 hours of material among that that blows Trek 09 of the water. It had its fair share of stinkers, but it actually did on occasion have some truly fantastic writing. I particularly enjoyed the episode where the moral was basically "The afterlife doesn't exist and you're

You get my award for post of the week.

The thing with the previous movies is that they're rooted in the characters we've come to know very well in the TV shows so there's some real meaning to what we're seeing. With Trek 09, they were some characters that had the same names as the original characters but that's about it. There wasn't really any emotional

LOL, nu-trek is fairly ridiculous. Resurrecting long dead characters and trotting out their corpses to make some moolah…..what happened to boldly going where no one had gone before? Instead lets go back and explore characters we've already seen live out their lives.

I know right, the girl on the right is freaking stunning.

No :D
My action needs to be well choreographed if its going to entertain me, thats where the action in "The Expendables" belly flopped.

Channing Tatum looks nothing like an "everyman".

I thought this was much better than "Stan's Best Friend", a very solid B+ for me.

Are you also the kind of action fan who thinks that the Expendables ruled because it had some famous people shooting guns endlessly?

This movie sucks, it has no story whatsoever. Its just endless fighting scenes which really get boring after a while.

Her head's quite square.

So it basically rips off "Who Do You Think You Are" on NBC?

If you love the Prequels then you're just very wrong.

After several Harry Potter movies that actually butchered their source material to the point where things started not even make SENSE, I'm more than happy with a film that a reviewer might call "too faithful".

Do you have a problem with people expressing negative opinions on a critic's site?

Advertisers do pay for adverts online…otherwise they wouldn't exist.

The last two episodes definitely haven't been great.

Very mature behavior there, way to improve the quality of these boards.

Just saying its garbage doesn't make it garbage? No you're right, because its already garbage.

Yeah really