
If its cheesy and for kids, and yet people try to pass it off as this great adult sci-fi show. Then I'd say "garbage" was a fine label.

I never said I had better taste because I was (definitely) richer than that awful sad, bag whoever she was, simply that I had better taste. Also don't respond to my posts in this way again.

Please never reply to my posts like that again.

Good post brah

AW HELL NAW, no way was this great double bill of episodes only worth a B-. I find myself hardly ever agreeing with the grades on here. Both these episodes were great because they managed to juggle a few stories without them being disconnected and awkward (like can happen in 30 Rock) but actually combine and integrate

I want it to run as long as possible, 7/8 seasons would be perfect.

Yeah his proportions aren't really great

No, I really do think Dr. Who is incredibly childish and cheesy, like an actual kids show. Nothing they've done can or will ever compare to something like "Duet".

While Community wasn't on top top form tonight, I though 30 Rock was firing on all cylinders. It was a perfect episode where there were multiple plots but all combined with eachother in a very satisfying and comedy filled way.

Talk about disjointed, how about the opening that totally clashed with the previous episode.

It makes no sense to me that last week's episode would get an A- and this one would get a B. Although that's not to say I thought this episode was particularly stellar, but simply good. Favorite part was the Dean's reaction to seeing Jeff in aviators. I do wish the show wouldn't do stuff like the heart slot machine on

1. Its sad when people flag a post and then say FLAGGED like they're so proud
2. What the hell were you flagging?

Star Trek may have predicted some technologies but when it came to information, it did some pretty bad things. Like how every separate document somehow needed a padd of its own…there's an episode of Voyager where the crew are getting letters from home and Neelix hands out a padd with that message to every damned crew

Dr Who is childish garbage though?

I'd prefer it if we got a grade, I wonder whether you liked this episode or not.
Anyhoo, I thought the ending was perfect and one of the best episode endings in trek. I didn't feel it was overly telegraphed at all and totally didn't see it coming (and that's when I rewatched it recently, I'd forgotten everything!). Its

Ugh, no. One episode for the novelty was enough but we don't need another one. 30 Rock just isn't that suited to it. Whoever decided this was a good idea clearly isn't listening to the right people.

I don't like the actor in this….there's something distracting about how he looks.

The one who wanted to kill herself survived.

Yeah, I really do not think its the funniest show on television, especially not since there's been somewhat of a decline since season 3 in its quality.

The dialogue isn't always as bad as it was last night, but last night's dialogue was just a failure on all levels. Nothing came out of the characters mouths sounding right whatsoever. And that's not to mention the lapses of logic "we can't all fit in one car!"…uh yes you can. "Let's camp out here with a bright,