
The dialogue in this episode was atrocious.

Calling someone a dick is kind of uncalled for.

Yes but my opinion is also fact.

I'm starting to see people here regurgitating quotes from the last episode that weren't even that good…not every line is a classic people.

How is watching it 4 times keeping it fresh?

Community has gone up against TBBT repeats quite a few times and has rarely gone up more than 0.1 or 0.2 points in the demo. Its absolutely no explanation at all for a 46% jump in the demo and rise of 0.7 goddamned points. Heck its even up against stronger competition American Idol wise since the X Factor was drawing

Yeah I did, and I didn't find it particularly funny or worthy of an A- grade. Several jokes felt far too pedestrian and average for the level of comedy I expect for Community. The Britta storyline did not work for me at all either and the Troy/Abed stuff was only marginally entertaining - watching people be normal

Why are you even here if you feel Community isn't funny?

This really wasn't a very funny episode. I mean it was perfectly enjoyable but I didn't laugh that much. Disappointing considering it was the first episode after the hiatus. And really, an A-?

I didn't understand why everybody was saying it would….the trailer was good and people only seem to hate on Jonah Hill because of the scheduled Jonah backlash that was inevitable yet so unnecessary.

I thought all her lines were good and her delivery of the IQ line was perfect. The best had to be her telling Pete she would take him to Sears. I love how she's interacting with the characters and not being a total suck up like K.

I kind of did actually, it was disturbing to see Liz Lemon wearing orange in memory of William of Orange…

None of the 3 plots really worked for me with the Liz Lemon plot being the least funny although the Jack plot was pretty bad too. Also Jack was wrong when he said St Patrick was born in Ireland, his family were fairly well off Romano-Britons in Britain and that's where he was born.
Oh and the Valentine's day episode

Ugh not that crazy scientologist

HAHA lol, yes Suddenly Susan.

Same here, had absolutely no idea it was coming.

Ah no I meant actors. And yes of course, 8 Simple Rules.

How is he dead? He's not. Or are you kidding..

Main characters dying in sitcoms and the sitcom carrying on…only Desperately Seeking Susan comes to mind (I know a main character in Community isn't going to die)

You just need to see a really genius episode, I suggest Awesome-O