
The last half of last season was actually really good, the season finale with the agnostic Dr Pepper drinkers was top notch in my opinion, and I love how they've fleshed out Kenny.

Jessica had made bajillions of dollars off fashion lines.

Fashion Store is gonna flop so hard

Well it got pulverised by the Arabs and Islam pretty much ruined it. There ya go, 1300 years of history in a nutshell.

The Romans took over Ptolemaic Egypt…wrong again haha. Also enslaving Jews? Uh, the Persian King King Cyrus freed the Jews for goodness sake!

Urrr, no.

I'm also confused by the B, I don't know where that's really coming from. I don't think this episode was any worse than the vast majority of episodes that are being given an A- this season.

Well maybe sci-fi isn't for you. But a show where the basic concept is traveling into the past to start humanity again on another planet is a fantastic one in my opinion.

"Humans are still jerks who fight all the time" was hardly part of the basic concept. The concept was traveling back in time to start humanity over again, that I find an extremely promising sci-fi concept.

Britney Spears has had far more success and experience than Nicole, and also seems much more down to earth since her humbling experiences.

Love the username. Yes, Braga went off the rails with Enterprise and wrote quite a few bad episodes, he also failed to turn Voyager around from overly episodic wandering when he took over as showrunner. But he also wrote a lot of fantastic and really creative stuff too.

Britney Spears is 20 times more legitimate than Nicole Fucking Sherzinger, not that I'll watch this show.

Braga should be banned from ever being an executive producer, let him write scripts and draw the line there.

Terra Nova had a fantastic concept and unbelievably crummy writing. It could be a great show but somehow I don't ever seen the writers living up to it.

I loved how the principal was telling Kaylie off for being cruel but still differentiated between the Vickys by calling them "Fat Vicky" and "Hot Vicky", so inappropriate but so hilarious.

This episode felt a lot like season 1 in my opinion, therefore about as far from feeling like a parody of itself as possible..

Haha it was pretty funny, and I didn't even find myself offended, it is a pretty good explanation of the school in a way but USC is still a great college.

This was an A- for me. I thought that the jokes worked and were suited to the plot/situation rather than just being totally random like last week. The Jenna mirror gag was definitely a highlight and I found Moretz's character much funnier than last time…loved "Jackie Officecouch" and the principal saying "hot Vicky"

It would make zero sense if Raj was gay. Anyway, he's being a bit "camp" sometimes but that doesn't automatically make someone gay, I've known a few straight people who've acted pretty camp.

Nah, 30 Rock is better