
I wish some guy with unreasonably good taste would just set up a channel and fill it with Community, Parks and Rec, Archer etc and keep them going forever

"The Apology" is one of those embarrasingly bad season 9 episodes.

How about the whole last season in general

Yeah but most people don't hate Sheldon at all

Jake Lloyd is a brat. He was a kid actor who got the experience (and money) of a lifetime and all he does is bitch.

People who look after themselves? I haven't eaten sugar in 5 months.


Actually a LOT of Chinese people drink milk, especially students. They've been fooled by the old "milk is healthy" rubbish that we've been fed for decades in the West.

Regarding Chinese oreos, there are normal Oreos in China, they're simply less sweet. And British Oreos are sweeter. I prefer the Chinese oreos the most.

They shoulda put Melissa McCarthy on the cover, now she's so popular with "Bridesmaids" and her abysmal CBS sitcom.

"The Soup" really is not that well written, the clips are quite often funny or more often really strange, but the segments in between are hardly award-worthy.

Sigh Comedy Awards, "Modern Family" is not better than fucking "Community"!!!
Also "Horrible Bosses" gets nominations? Ugh

Ah yes, the Prime Directive, the rule that eventually led to Picard watching as an entire species was destroyed by a natural disaster, shrugging his shoulders and saying "s'not our problem". Oh Prime Directive, how you've been abused…

CBS is such a joke

Can you believe there are some people out there who think that Family Guy is better now than it used to be? LOL, and people say I'm wrong for saying good taste isn't subjective.

YOu think 30 Rock has gotten since when? If you mean since season 4 (by far its worst season) then it has. But season 5 was already a huge step up.

No she's not, just just doing her job.

Now THIS was an episode worth an A-. I thought the campaign manager was a breath of fresh air, I loved that she actually really liked Leslie but still had a job to do.

I'd be pissed off if I was Kaley Cuoco, they're giving her so little to really work with with her character. After 5 seasons I'd expect there to be several plotlines that take advantage of the struggling actress concept, but instead all we're getting is her drinking a lot of wine.

It makes me cringe when Alec Baldwin does his pout, he needs to lay off it for a bit…