
he was the one telling the driver to get their faster while stuck in traffic, he essentially told the driver to go in the bike lane.

the issue is the extra testosterone puts her in a level which is unfair to the other women.

the real question is why are you not reporting about the nfl potentially suspending 4 players if they don’t interview regarding the aljazera report.

I personally would be surprised if ww3 was started because of the chinese/canada swimming beef.

wow, this came out of left field.

Texts from the deflategate hearing show that brady on numerous occasions mentioned the word “paint”, and hiring a “painter”, and occasionally the words “hall of Fame” while none of these were in the same text, or to the same person it clearly shows a planned calculated plan to circumvent the leagues integrity.

anxious to see how many draft picks the patriots lose over this fiasco.

holy shit, some of these people need to play a Civ game.

The Gentlemen bastards strike again.

I’ll gladly let someone lease me for the $20 million dollars hes made over the last 4 years.

Fenway has been around since the 1900's and robert kraft paid for his own damn stadium.

so nothing about bagel bites then?

everywhere i go there are always team instinct, I think the “underdog” talk needs to stop, they are the majority where im from. the issue is they are all just really bad.

really not charged with anything? not even running a red light?

please, its not like he took a knee from page.

here is the problem with your scenerio.

its been a perfectly acceptable $30 game so far.

probably saving it to give to morte, to take to his grave.

I think the biggest issue is he was punished despite nothing having actually happened.

i grabbed the fire hd10.