Playing pokemon go led me to running into a girl i’ve seen around town, and now we’re going on a date.
Playing pokemon go led me to running into a girl i’ve seen around town, and now we’re going on a date.
Team Valor,
its a viral sensation for a few reasons.
i hope tate and nunes get a pay bump now that they have to carry the event
there are 4 guarantees in life. People killing each other, death, taxes, and flat earth truthers.
in all likelihood, the mother didn’t like that the daughter spent so much time with the father playing golf, setting herself up for the future, meeting famous golfers, and for all intents and purposes enjoying like. So her lawyer got the judge to ban it cause “its not fair if my daughter loves my husband more then me.”
“sweety, don’t worry about that stupid golf stuff, come here and watch the kardashians with me hahaha the one that looks like bigfoot ate a hotdog in one bite! see isn’t this better then doing what you enjoy?”
fuck that judge, and fuck that mom, if she just took away a daughters chance at both her personal dreams, and the chance at tuition free college anywhere she wanted to go.
the knicks are going to be near unstoppable for about 8 games next season before half the team can’t leave the bench due to injuries.
then your father sued the marina for the mooring damages + emotional damages and won the civil case for 2 million dollars.
David. mother fucking. tyree.
“the first thing you should do is have a good plan!”
Wow, i guess that’s why they make the big bucks, those really deep insightful tips.
its very rare for a pitcher to bare hand catch a hit coming back at them, baseball basically long stretches of boring nonsense broken up by a few bang bang plays where people get super excited, this happened so quickly the announcer didn’t really have time to do anything but shout out a guttural oh boy!
I think anyone expecting the white walkers to play heavily into the final two seasons of GOT hasn’t really paid attention.
jesus only one white kid?
mecree is actually really strong.
gonna be real hard for her to go undercover as “the Jeff” in that bikini.
League Sources say that 11 of 12 of Chris tenseness’s tumors are gone.
they have someone watch his stream. as soon as he creates an account they ban it.
actually, this case wasn’t about deflated footballs, so much as it was about whether or not Roger Goodell over stepped his authority with relation to the appeal process.