
this article seems to neglect the fact that the people didn’t drown. after falling into the ocean and swiming to shore, their skin melted off like that scene in robocop.

do they not serve pizza at your stadiums?

Just so we are on the same page:

there is more to the story, looks like it was possibly premeditated based on the hummers drivers history of bad blood after his father was shot by police, the chief of which will smith had dinner with the night previously.

If a game isn’t good enough to keep players satisfied with playing how the devs intend for it to be played, it must not be worthwhile to purchase. People get more enjoyment out of NOT culling each other, which means fundamentally the game doesn’t work.

stupid meta shit like this really turns me off from a game.

Sir Charles should be sitting the iron throne right now.

anna kendrick is like a bronze 5 cup stacker.

the issue is you didn’t actually use sarcasm here, the original post used sarcasm, and you followed it up with an explanation of why he was being sarcastic, which you missed.

“are we sure he didn’t just take an asprine?”

That stuff is really bad, seriously a good duck sauce is the difference between if I eat at a place or not.

Lets be honest, say the titans opt for Bradford, the picks, and kiko alonso.

its going to be rough for her, losing that first round pick in this years draft, for not reading a memo from the league.

Loving all the couch potatos hating on a cocky fighter who fought almost 30 pounds above his weight class.

I drink the blood of virgins, that the only way to make social events bearable.

supply and demand.

why didn’t he try and get the info when the gym was open?


As a socially Anxious person, this seems like a bad idea. Knowing that their is a countdown it turns into less of a “lets try and have a good day, try and talk to someone new” and more of a “how many people can I avoid til my timer goes off?” It starts an already tough experience off on the negative side, with the