

I can’t even play the video without my PC losing its mind.

See, this is what I’d do if I had “Fuck you” money. Just wasteful amounts on PC components.

Would definitely welcome more of this! My podcast backlog is massive enough as it is and I’m not sure I really have room for more, but this is too good to miss.

I was playing the mission in MGS V yesterday where you have to escort the African child soldiers to the helicopter. Got all the way to the end and was in great shape...except no one tells you that you have to physically place all five of them in the chopper. I flew off and they got killed, so I had to start over. Not

It’s good to know that the name Harry Potter will forever live on in a book.

“I wonder if this article will actually be interesting,” I thought as I had recently already written about how boring I found this game to be.
“Oh my god! Hahaha!” I exclaimed as soon as I saw the name “Harry Potter” and “immortalizing the player” 2 paragraphs apart.

The main campaign of CoD has always been based in realism, the side stuff is exactly that, something different than what the base game offers.

I would only wear those if they had them. I don’t care about the females in mp but I love the idea of seeing a giant flaming penis every time I die lol

I feel like if the historical accuracy can survive the Nazi zombies, it can survive the inclusion of a female army nurse or something character model in the multiplayer

Depending on the context, I think this can be a non-issue. If they are in the campaign, there are areas this would make sense. French Resistence, certain parts of the Soviet forces, maybe even as last resort German troops if the developers wanted to touch on that aspect of WWII. In those cases, historical accuracy

Good point. That’s why this year’s multiplayer will let you die once — then you’ll never be able to play again.

Actually, now that you mention it, the idea of playing a baddass Russian woman forced to pick up a rifle during the battle of Stalingrad sounds like it could make for a good story!

I’ll bet $10 that the campaign’s playable female protagonist will be a French resistance fighter.

The animations aren’t smooth enough for it to be considering “thrusting”. The ESRB thought the game was glitching.

I’m curious about this too! unfortunately, EA and bioware declined to participate in this story

Well at least that is a better way to spend it than the usual ritual of a parade of hookers and cocaine.

dad, when did you get a kinja account

Yeah... no. That looks like some student’s very first project in an Introduction to Illustrator class.