
I swear patent law and copyright law is going to send us back into the dark ages.  It retards advancement so much when someone else can claim your work infringes someone else's

I still use my netbook.  A tablet can never replace the functionality of a PC.  It’s a shame they don’t still make them.

It’s really not that hard to follow. Not sure why it took 2 viewings to figure out the story.

What the actual fuck is wrong with having sexualized games?  We're all adults here.  It's offensive that financial institutions and content providers have so much power to tell us what we can do with our money.  Why are they such goddamn prudes?

Don’t know why people are bitching so much.  Playing on PC and the game is awesome. So much fun.

Yet more reasons to hate apple

Bingo.  I don't actually want to change careers and BE a hitman anymore than i want to become a dragon slayer on Skyrim.  It's fantasy, i want to feel like a kick ass hitman without spending a fuck load of hours figuring out how to pull off a kill.

It’s gotten to the point that it makes better sense to wait several months post launch to buy a game.  They're all coming out as buggy messes almost every time.

I tried to get my PC version to work.  But the camera is intolerably lousy.  It keeps sticking and i can't aim for shit.

Awesome article.  I’ve been a fan of Xenosaga since early days and desperately hope they finally remake it and maybe even expand on it making it more like the original vision.

I don’t fucking care.  It’s been too long since I’ve seen a PoP game.  I’d take it in 90s graphics if it’s fucking good.

Hopefully they’ll patch it and make it less prone to cause seizures.  I wouldn’t be going for pitchforks and lynching rope just yet.

I always thought it was SO bogus how they took the hidden blade away.  So WHAT if I want to be like a god?  That’s the whole FUCKING point of being a badass assassin.

Just popped in to say I freaking loathe the new Kotaku layout.  I can’t figure out where I left off yesterday and what’s new today anymore.  Terrible layout.  I read Kotaku less than I did before because of it.

Bioshock 3.  It was NOTHING like the Bioshock games.  I paid for the collector’s edition on day 1, and was SO pissed.  You were limited in how many weapons you had, you were limited in how many powers you could activate.  The autosave system on top of it.  Everything about the game just pissed me off.

I’d consider getting it if there was a way to port my PS4 saves to PC for this.

Now playing

There is a fix. I used this video to disable the theft sensor. Instead of tape i used a thermal pad which is completely non conductive and safer to use. My console hasn’t beeped since. I just the system software to eject now.

Ditto.  I'm done.  The show had pretty bad plot holes and now this? 

You called it. Most of these children are going on hearsay and never read a single word she actually said. She never said one word of hate speech against trans people but rather raised valid concerns for herself and women everywhere as a victim of sexual violence. The politics she’s involved in are British, not

My sentiments exactly