
I can’t fathom how anyone thinks this is even a good game. Much less a great game.  Thank God I read all the spoilers, there's no fucking way I'm paying for this steaming turd fest.

All the stars...

Ugh, this on top of other things... I’m waiting til it goes on sale.... like REALLY on sale.  I don’t want to sink full price into this game already knowing that some of the narative choices they’ve made is really going to piss me off to the point I might not finish the game at all.

Thanks for a more cogent response.  I’ll have to investigate more as clearly I don’t know all the facts.  Much appreciated.

But he didn’t publicize any stance. He chose to be like Switzerland. Refusing to take either side and remain politically neutral. They didn’t like that, and true - they’re within their rights to leave, however misguided their personal feelings are. The fact remains, they make board games. Not politicians or political

When BLM took over Toronto’s Pride day, I lost all respect for that organization.  It inserted it’s own agenda into something that it should not have.

Our society has become so binary. Life isn’t always binary, especially where political and social aspects are concerned. I don’t have to support BLM to agree that black lives matter. It’s like saying I have to support the democrats and only the democrats if I believe in a woman’s right to abortion.

There’s a hell of a

The only people who see in black or white are extremists.  Life has nuance, shades of grey, requiring everyone to agree with your ideology is nothing short of fascism and assuming that everyone who doesn't agree with you must be the enemy is exactly how totalitarian regimes begin.

Welcome to our slow descent into a fascist state where everyone must agree with the popular ideology or be burned at stake.

The biggest change I had to make in order to enjoy this game is not to play it like a regular shooter.  It takes strategy, patience, and flexibility.  Sometimes it’s better NOT to engage and just sneak past.  This isn’t your Gears of War.  You can’t run and gun.  Sometimes all you can do is just RUN.

I don’t get it, how is this game so much fun for everyone?  I’ve tried so hard to enjoy it on Vita but it’s nothing like Final Fantasy or any RPG really and it has long parts that lull and nothing happens.  It gets SO boring.

At least she didn’t call her a heinz 57?  /sarcasm

I’ve had it since it first released on Vita and I STILL haven’t finished it.

I’ve had it since it first released on Vita and I STILL haven’t finished it.

Unfortunately the lynch mob of our current cancel culture is far too rabid to be satisfied by anything less than blood.  It’s truly frightening how much power the digital mob now has and god help us if they get more.

Amen to that bud.  There are just so many leaps of logic and really really bad story telling.

Ugh I find the whole idea of replacing Kate Kane to be stupid, misguided and absolutely moronic.

Loving the second game and have (unfinished) the first one on 3DS.  Definitely looking forward to playing the first one on Switch when I get it.  Now could we PLEASE get a Switch Remaster of Xenosaga???

GOOD - this needs to be in force everywhere.  I was furious when Sony would only give me credit for a game I bought but never “opened” digitally.

Sounds like Berman was a real asshat.