
The whimsy lives on in a relentlessly gay yard!

Not related: Kara, I was listening to you on the “Yo, Is This Racist?” podcast and think you have a beautiful voice. (Also, you’re smart and funny, but I already thought that. the voice thing was new to me.)

My sis and her family live in Petaluma. Another reason to love it.

Wait, wait, wait.... 4th runner up, Janet Jackson, from Alabama??

Ohhhhh... That looks pretty on the model. It was a little hard for me to imagine the fit from the pics. Not like it'd look the same on me as the model, but still! Pretty dress. (I hate how 99% of wedding dresses seem to be strapless. That is not a universally flattering cut!!)

Yes to all of that.

One of the many fucked up things here is, that as the kids turn into adults, many still don’t see anything wrong with using “gay” as an insult. Direct quote from someone I called out: “I don’t mean ‘gay’ like ‘homosexual.’ I mean ‘gay’ as in lame.”

I definitely knew gay people when I was in third grade, (grew up in LA, lots of family in “the industry”), but it never would have occurred to me to use it as a slur because I’m not an asshole from a family of assholes.

I'm in.


She doesn't strike me as the camping type...

Someone please post the “no more internet today" kitty gif. Because we're done.

So... I could've used some dick. Just sayin.

Adultosaur, what you have to understand is, Emma ain't got a fever, she's got a permanent disease... Bad medicine is what she needs.

This is where I casually mention a friend of mine is in the North American tour cast of the lion king....

I am terrible at heels. And they hurt! It bums me out, but I just remind myself how damaging they are.

My ex has three kids. Seeing him interact with his kids, (or just seeing him lovingly look at other little kids), is the only thing that ever made me feel like my biological clock isn’t completely broken. Or just really horny. EITHER WAY.

Haha. I could have stopped at “un-horny” because that definitely described my feelings looking at that pic. Your comment though.... At least I'm laughing now!

I’m very lazy, or I’d find that “all the stars” pic for you.

The Sansa storyline is totally different than in the books. They’ve made some big departures. (In the books, her old friend Jeyne is married to Ramsey, and she’s pretending to be Arya. Jeyne eventually escapes.)