Justice Rains From My Butt

Your average 19 year old, newly away at college, isn’t going to pick up a smoking habit from smuggled Mexican cigarettes. They may try a cigarette a time or two, and without the extremely addictive nicotine hook, think “that was gross” and never pick them up again. That’s what this is for.

Probably didn’t have gap insurance...

But her insurance should cover the difference right? Or her 2015 is not fully insured? If not that’s a risk of not fully insuring your car.

Try again, Cletus. Your last response didn’t take.

I hope your comment is a joke. Please tell me you’re not actually this dense.

You poor, dumb bastard.

If only there was some way to introduce carbon monoxide to the feedback loop that informs the most brainlessly hopeless one-third of the country.

“Accurate ones”... Accurate slurs.... Look at the incongruity here:  the guy is only racist IF he uses a very accurate slur? If he calls everyone a retard, and they aren’t, he’s not racist. He can call everyone he wants a mongoloid, but if they’re Asians, he should stop himself and call them n......s, and thus is

Yes, there is a lot of complex, weird South American ethnic hierarchy, much as there is in southeast Asia. Generally speaking, the darker the skin, or the more “native” you look, the more discrimination you can expect. Source: 2 Colombian friends, FWIW.

it Let me remind everyone that while Steam should at the very least tell him why his game was pulled from Steam, this is not censorship in any way, shape or form as Eek’s game was not banned by the government and he can still have his game ready for download on any other website that he chooses. Eek making changes to

“Please.. I grew up during the cold war. Was worse then”

You had a fascist in office that ruled like a third-world-country dictator and had the emotional maturity of a toddler?

Ahh baby boomer, that explains everything.

1) Tweets are tech.

Usually Argentinians look down on Mexicans, some of them think themselves as being Europeans, when Italy invaded what is Argentina today they tried not to mix with the natives there, so Argentinians look more “white” than Mexicans, some of them call us “negros” and stuff like that.

I think it’s fairly normal for federal, state and local governments to offer incentives for big deals, though through various existing programs, not “hey, you guys, pay lower taxes through us.” The underlying concept is not terrible but as these incentives have grown larger and larger it looks like it’s becoming a way

Yeah you’re right the only reason anyone punched Spencer is because he was “labeled” a Nazi, not because he, like, openly advocated for forced sterilization of people of color or anything.

Why is a white police officer harassing a law-abiding black kid going about his lawn mowing business?

Things would be so much easier if police would just admit fault when someone legally refuses to do anything they don’t have to.

This kind of crap, in combination with the seemingly inadequate vetting process for Uber, is why my wife is using Yotaxi here in SF to summon a regular cab instead of ride sharing. I believe she’s also using Flywheel to call them, as well.