Bad/good/terrifying/delightful news, nerds! George R.R. Martin's editor Anne Groell mentioned in an interview that…
Bad/good/terrifying/delightful news, nerds! George R.R. Martin's editor Anne Groell mentioned in an interview that…
Not nearly as bad as this guy's comments:
I read the comment section on the Channel 3 news site and unsurprisingly there was one person who said the race card is pulled "too often" when there isn't "true racism" and that this was a case of true racism. I'm guessing that person is a. white and b. dismisses casual racism and microaggressions as harmful.
A black worker at a cotton gin in Tennessee was so fed up with a racist boss, he used his phone to record proof of…
Left - medium sized small boobs
I think it we're giving the cops to much credit, there was serious physical harm that couldn't be ignored. If she was physically undamaged, or even if she had a few bruises or what ever I bet this would be much closer to a Stubenville situation, and that the townsfolk and the police wouldn't be standing up for the…
Agree. This quote:
Same, but I find it so depressing that a police department doing its job w/r/t sexual assault is exceptional. It should be the rule.
I live in Ga and this was on the news. They had a segment about the people rallying around the victim. It was definitely refreshing to hear.
In 2013, a U.N. international study showed that 70 percent of men who admitted to raping women did so because they felt entitled.
Just coming down here to say I wish I didn't click on that Facebook link. Gail Lane, you are an asshole. "And if she is 18 she knows she is not suppose to drink. So maybe she regrets the night before and is crying wolf. But that is my opinion. So dont send hate messages." I won't send you hate messages but I will call…
I want to give that police department ALL the cookies for doing their fucking job. Thats messed up.
My first question for Watch Dogs was, "Well, what if I don't want to shoot Maurice?"
News broke last night that, according to Wisconsin police, two 12-year-old girls recently lured a friend into the…
You should pick funnier names, like Dick E. Overed, Johnny McFucksteak, and Freddie Got Fired
Speaking of racism, I know that Jezebel tends to center on social issues in America, but there is a huge rise in racist parties in Europe. Front-National, UKIP, etc. Plus the Germans literally got a neo-Nazi in the European parliament (I think they got 2 seats). The situation in the world is really, really scary.