Shyam Oza

Never once tortured my Sims. Now my parkgoers in Roller Coater Tycoon? That’s a different story.

Now they’re thinking with portals :D

Just like Hollywood. We’re gonna start seeing more game equivalents of “The Great Wall” for a few years.

Is disposing of bodies just a normal AI behavior in Far Cry? lol

This bit stuck with me: “where the hell are these people? What happened? Our superheroes lost. We can’t trust them to defend us anymore.”

I see this concept/foil prop up in a lot of discussions about and even in official movies/comics/other lore lately (DC tried it with the “You can’t trust Superman” and Marvel has had

“folks should just appreciate this comeback for what it is: one player exploiting another’s inability to deal with projectiles and achieving a silly victory.”

In theory if we are in the line of fire of a massive gamma ray burst or something we would be annihilated immediately. Can we also start building a massive planet wide shield? :D

I remember walking through Tokyo and seeing a guy with a white t-shirt in all black bold English: “Fuck Wat Yo Mama Said.”

Snake Oil salesmen will go after anyone and everyone they can. Doesn’t matter if you’re young, old, revered, loathed, rich or poor. They’ll suck every dime out of you.

How dare she forget one of America’s greatest heroes.....

I’m so confused. On one hand we don’t want all games to be the same, particularly when it comes to properly numbered sequels and yet...we then say we want more of the same.

I don’t know if the problem is with Apu himself or with the lack of diversity and representation of Indian/Asian American males in general.

I’m going to assume the reason it made the news is:

I know art is subjective but...damn I feel like there could’ve been a better choice for the first piece of work.

Man I remember when people complained like this about Shotguns and Snipers in Destiny. Its OK, then we got the much improved Destiny 2! :D

The people who do this had to be the same kids who would lower the basketball hoop and then “Dunk”.

So its basically about today? Feel like a lot of this stuff is almost certain unless we figure out what to do w/ AI and Automation.

I wonder if this fellah is responsible for Pluto’s wonky orbit that cuts through Neptune’s.

Its not about the OPs desire to bring physical violence upon someone. Its about the fact that you had to face your rival face to face. You weren’t anonymous, you weren’t 1000 miles away and you likely had the same friends.

Another simple trick: Delete the App from your phone.