
On the other end, I could name 5 or 6 garbage characters that are pushed by fans over and over (looking at you, Rex) Minecraft has more than enough playerbase to be a decent choice.

So much salt, I’ve already explained my point, if you want to keep over-reating, feel free.

I wasn’t insulting you, dude. Get over yourself. I’m just pointing the obvious a used copy still benefits her. It’s just ridiculous people are still trying to logic buying a games affiliated with someone they don’t want to support. I could care less what you do. 

Atwood didn’t own Harry Potter which was a major hit among teens when it came out and before any movie license was discussed. Lucas earned billions through keeping the toy rights when the series itself was pre-super mega hit and people questioned whether SW could be a hit. He took a risk and made bank. JK had no risk

Even if everyone rotated the same copy, WB will still use the user data to determine if more Harry Potter is wanted which means more room for JK to negotiate the next payout. You’re not changing anything if your profile still has the game on it. Don’t fucking play the game.

So does this game have an ending you can reach without the gacha grind or are they stringing you along to try to buy more each update? It’s fine if you haven’t felt the need to gacha anything so far but end of the day, people quit these games when they hit the paywall, not when they start and enjoy it for a while.

Except Disney wouldn’t have an issue with selling the cake or the arm. It would be the Mickey Shape on the front of it. If Ortiz was known for having it on his arm then, yeah, there’d be a problem if he profits off the image. It’d be a tough fight against the person because they can’t force anyone to remove a tattoo bu

Games is so far down the list of crap option Facebook has, you realize pretty quickly they haven’t given a damn about them for a good while. Personally, I thought Farmville shut down years ago.

I think time is the difference, sims and builder games like Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon all have this problem. Doing things from scratch is less fun when you just did everything not that long ago. They should’ve waited longer before a sequel. The first one was great but the second one released a few years later

They also have a history of complete editions, not saying it solves every problem but it does offer an option to preserve DLC content after support is no longer offered through releasing a complete edition with everything on the cart itself. AC is locked to your Switch anyways and while I don’t see Nintendo supporting

Yeah, No. Everything has a due diligence on top on legal work and dealing with the asset shifts and coordinating with prior management to fully work out the transition. I’ve already stated they have managerial limits during this period, did you not read that part, either? The most they’ll do is stay the course on

“It would be a long shot to say that both Sony and Bethesda have teased ES 6 on PS5 without having something formal on paper.”

For games already in production, the deals likely are set in stone. It would be a long shot to say that both Sony and Bethesda have teased ES 6 on PS5 without having something formal on paper.

Well, you’re saying to the OP they should be fine because Microsoft shares. I’m just pointing that’s not a guarantee, especially for their higher end system grabbing titles. Minecraft is a good example but it’s a general audience title, targeting mainly kids (some adults but mainly kids) and not Teens and Adult who

Which Toys? Gears of Wars? Halo? MS shares but I’d hesitate on their their big names. Maybe the Switch 2 will get a downgraded version when it can run it but the games that make real money won’t be on Sony beyond the contracts already in place.

The only thing valid here is point one which is more likely than not from a contractual agreement with Sony. Microsoft isn’t “honoring” anything, they’re legally obligated to do so because they bought the companies legally required to do so.

Uh, MS ports to Nintendo because they don’t see them as a competitor and neither does Sony. Nintendo plays to a different more casual audience vs gamers who want the latest and greatest AAA games. Even then, it’s not like they’re porting their major hitter games that cost tens of millions to make, almost all of their

That’s what you call bullshit PR talk, literally none of that is guaranteed and the company can and will change once the deal closes. This statement is made more than Microsoft goes in, hires who it want, fires who it doesn’t needs, and emphasize its own goals before handing over funding to development teams.

Leon: The Professional: The Final Final Video Game

I would say that for everything in Tech or even just upper end highly skilled jobs in general like investment finance, consulting, etc. The highest pay level usually means burnout hours. Once you have enough and your current work life is 60 to 80 hours of work, why not just leave?