
Dude, nobody knows everything or was born knowing everything! I certainly don't know everything either.

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you specifically were upset about it. I just tend to see comments like yours pop up almost anytime the word is used, though, and I've always wondered why it bothers so many people.

Cigarette posted a good link, but basically Hispanic is more specific than Latino. Hispanic indicates a Spanish ancestry, whereas Latino encompasses Central and South America along with the native peoples of those areas. Although honestly, I've never met that many people who cared too much.

I don't know that it's actually wrong, though. There are a lot of reasons that trans women especially tend not to disclose that sort of thing right away, partly because they do fear getting murdered.

I don't understand people who get so upset about this. Spanish is a gendered language, and creating a gender-neutral/inclusive term is not exactly a new concept, linguistically. We create words in all languages all the time to fit changing viewpoints. Hell, Shakespeare invented a few hundred words himself, which are

Well, that's because you're a decent person with a set of morals.

Serious question, dude. What gets you so het up about this kind of stuff, considering literally none of it affects you personally?

I think the great job is meant to be directed toward Janet Mock, who did indeed do a great job in her essay.

I'd never heard of Lil Duvall before this incident, and now I wish I hadn't. Some comedian - this was supposed to be funny? Yeah, real funny dude, talking about murdering a woman for "lying" to you.

Okay, this is fucking awesome. Four for you, Bandcamp!

But it's not symbolic?

Sigh, okay. I give up. I don't think I can articulate myself in a way that would make you happy.

No, I'm not being sarcastic. I was replying to you and Dino Ironbody in the same comment, more or less. Nazis didn't create the swastika, but some of the people who did are uncomfortable about reclaiming it. And even though neo-Nazis have found new ways to skirt the anti-swastika laws, it's still a good thing that

Right. But on first glance, a lot of people can't tell the difference. I certainly don't, always.

We only ever really sang the first verse in school, but the 6th one is basically John Wilkes Booth's wet dream, involving a lot of shit about heeding Virginia's call to fight tyranny.

I'm from Harford County (I was born in Baltimore County but we moved when I was 2) and I feel fortunate that even though we're next door to Cecil, more or less, not a whole lot of that scary redneck shit has infiltrated much. But then, we've got a large Army presence, which helps keeps things diversified by default. I

Why not both, though? I think it would be interesting to see how New Colonia and Texas interact with one another.

I get so angry with people who are like "you're erasing history by removing statues of Confederate leaders and not letting state capitols fly the flag! Heritage!" because like, where else in the world have countries erected monuments to the fucking losing side? Which deserved to lose because it was founded on a

No, but now many Hindus and Native Americans have expressed that they don't feel comfortable using the symbol, even though it's sacred to them, because of how it was used in the previous century to discriminate and murder millions of people, and they don't feel right about exposing others to it. Nazis might use

Shit, you're right. Now THAT would be a fucking great show.