
I can't believe I've lived here for almost 32 years and only found out about it recently.

Yeah, I'm a Maryland native. Although I did learn the other day that our state flag actually does have a Confederate component. The red and white part, aka the Crossland Banner, was used by secessionists during the Civil War, and the flag as we know it now was basically a compromise afterwards.

Oh christ, I know just where you're talking about. It's as bad as Cecil County. And like, we were a Union state! Not really by choice thanks to Lincoln (I do mean that sincerely, thank you, Abe) but still, what the shit. I'm always astounded when I see people with the stars and bars as bumper stickers or flying from

We can have two things! Although Wakanda is much more Afrofuturistic in look than this show will probably portray New Colonia as.

Some of them are much more up front than others about the horrible things that went on there. I've noticed that those don't tend to be the ones that host weddings.

You can't see the face I made just now IRL, but rest assured that I just out-faced Jim Carrey.

Actually, in this timeline, it would be neat to see Texas as its own country too.

Did they call it the War of Northern Aggression too?

Now this actually sounds interesting. And in fairness, those states might not suck so much if this history had actually played out.

My mom almost fell over when she was touring a plantation that kept euphemistically referring to the slaves as "workers who were brought from Africa." But being in South Carolina, she kept her mouth shut.

I'm always looking to expand! I make some very good Italian-American food, but I've wanted to delve deeper into my more specific Italian roots. Thanks. :)

Interesting. I'm a culinary grad and I do a lot of cooking - and we have a good two dozen cookbooks at home or so - but I'm not someone who buys a lot of these. I tend to hunt around the internet if I'm looking for a specific recipe. Truthfully, I think I use our archive of Cook's Illustrated magazines most of all.

It was really tacky. I'm impressed with McConaughey for being able to come up with such kind words on the spot like that, because I don't think I could have been half as eloquent.

Gotcha, that makes sense. Hammerheads are pretty fucking big, though - they usually average about 13 feet. What in hell else was he trying to catch that he wound up with one?

Yeah, hammerheads aren't well known for being terribly bright, even for sharks.

Makes sense, because the dude in the article does look like a frat bro.

And King Shark.

I deliberately tend to choose spaces that are farther away from the entrance of whatever building I'm going to so that I have an easier time parking and can adjust without worrying about hitting other cars. A little extra exercise won't kill me, and it cuts down on my parking anxiety.

Copperheads tend to be somewhat aggressive, from what I know, so I can't say I blame her for taking action rather than waiting for animal control or anything.

Yeah, I wouldn't want that many venomous snakes nesting under my house either. I did go look up the story and it doesn't seem like this lady did anything really excessive; she was just dealing with a problem and the media blew it up into this "woo hoo, what a badass old lady" story.