
I'm not very familiar with fishing terminology, but do you mean that he could have accidentally caught the shark?

I'm not half-bad at driving, but I can't parallel park to save my soul without having someone get out of the car and direct me. But my depth perception isn't super good so I always have to be careful when I park in general.

Holy shit. That's, uh, a lot of snakes.

Right? They're so nonthreatening. Just like a Corey!

Ugh. Were the snakes an actual threat or was this just some kind of trophy thing for her?

I ignored the rest of the post because it was clearly written by far-right lunatics, but Whedon's actual post is kind of weird. He talks about her like an ex-girlfriend he really misses, not like a politician who lost a major election.

Most people don't think of sharks as animals. They think of sharks as big scary predators out to eat you. And they aren't cute and they don't have fur, so they're harder to anthropomorphize.

He talks about Hillary Clinton in a really infantilizing way that's borderline creepy.

You must not be a very good comedian, then, if you have to resort to the tired old "free speech" well to defend your use of a shitty word you have no right to use. And you're talking to a lesbian with mental illness, so two can play that game, buddy boy.

Yes, because it's insulting and demeaning to those with mental disabilities. That is not slang. It is a slur. Now pack up your little straw man and go home until you're done with your tantrum, dear. You're embarrassing yourself.

I can. He's always taken away the wrong things from comic book characters. I mean, look at the way he's written Captain America as basically a fussy old man who's a stickler for the rules and says corny shit instead of talking like an actual human, which is….not at all Steve Rogers, not even a little bit.

On being disingenuous as fuck, dude. You got mad because people keep telling you to Google stuff, and resorted to using the r-word out of anger, and nowhere can I find in your comment that this was a joke. If you really did lurk here as much as you claim to, you'd know that it's not a word we really use around here,

I just get a bee in my bonnet about it because I'm so tired of this old white dude who really isn't that interested in being a feminist so much as he's interested in being perceived a feminist getting accolades left and right.

It's so fucking gross, man. He not only did a huge disservice to Diana and Hippolyta and the other Amazons, but also to Steve Trevor, who he turned into a leering meathead.

Yes, and using the word "retarded" makes you look like you're totally 100% sincere about truly learning, not that it's showing your true colors because you refuse to Google anything for yourself and you're mad that we're calling you out on it.

You can. I certainly won't. I don't give credit to men for doing the absolute bare minimum and who whine and cry and throw fits over the mean feminists on Twitter criticizing his work.

Reluctant laugh/upvote.

We don't need one, but it's still fucking funny, dude.

I actually saw the series before the movie and like First Day more. The movie's hilarious, though.

God, I hope so. He was fucking hilarious in First Day of Camp.