

Oh yay! What did I, a white man, do wrong this time?

What a time to be alive!

Hm. I guess we’re both noticing different kinds of trolls.

Dafuq did I just read......

Unfunny people to the comedian: “hey, let us tell you what comedy is all about!”.

Atleast it’s not as shitty as slapping the homophobe tag on him for no reason.

I guess all this comes down to “either do it right or don’t do it at all”.

The only reason Epic Games are getting sued is because they are drowning in cash.

Come on, people. It’s funny to read about. No need to delve any deeper into this than a little “Heh.”. Don’t overdo yourself by analyzing profits or making psychiatric conclusions about the people watching this.

Have your star already. Now go!

That is comically specific.

Where EvE is usually about who hurt someone else the most and E:D is usually about people high-fiving eachother.

Liz, if you ever find any proof of child pornography: save it for the lawsuit. You’re missing out on MILLIONS!

Have a well deserved round of applause. Finally a sensible comment in here.

Stop being delusional. Hitting her was WAY out of line, but she was pushing all the buttons. I mean, holy shit, the way she was literally tearing down any kind of buffer he still had left was disgusting.

Exactly. Sex doesn’t even matter in this case.

I’m actually gonna go and say yes. I believe that, in the exact same circumstances, “frank” would have also been called out.

Made me chuckle. Beers on me.

You’re so wrong, it just hurts. Quite the typical black-and-white american viewpoint. But keep being that guy.