
I only remembered he was on the show when you just reminded me. And obviously when I meant hottest, I meant recurring hot guy. I don’t remember all the guest stars on the show. But between all the men who appeared in more than three episodes on the show, yes Jess was by far the hottest. Although Adam Brody does have

The more stories come out about this, the more sick I get. Hollywood is filled with sick, perverted disgusting assholes who put a facade of inclusiveness and respect for women and do bullshit like this behind the scenes. It’s gross. This includes the perpetrators and the enablers. I applaud those women who came

And? What’s your point exactly? The current president is the same disgusting pig as Weinstein.

Good. What is surprising is why no big name Hollywood stars who are otherwise very active in voicing their opinions against injustice (which I think is a very good thing) are silent on this. It doesn’t matter that he is a Liberal. He is a disgusting pig that has ruined many lives in the very industry these people work

Well he can be mature and hot. And he is still the hottest. All that maturity just makes him far far far far more attractive than spoilt man-child Logan (although I admit I would do him).

Considering that Jess grew up to be the most mature character, with a stable job and good relationships with his uncle and mom, all on his own without any rich dad backing him, I’d say he’s still the winner.

Jess was definitely the hottest guy Rory will ever date. He was the hottest guy on the show. No question!

“most of the rich characters are intentionally portrayed as annoying, but somehow with THIS spoiled brat we’re supposed to root for him. The show flips from a satire of high society to wallowing in it.”

Logan Echols forever!! He mellowed down and actually turned into a sweet guy. Huntzberger was awful and never stopped being awful. Also Echols was much much cuter so maybe that helped? And I actually liked Veronica a lot, so rooting for them was easy. I hated Rory after Season 4.

“Sometimes I think the show is really about Lorelai’s long, slow failure to convince Rory that anything is better than being rich.”

I agree with you on the Life and Death Brigade Gwen! I honestly don’t understand why they all got so much screentime and none of it was dedicated to insult them. The show actually glorified those awful sickos. Basically everything regarding Rory post the Dean affair annoyed me to no end.

So? It isn’t destroying her character. I mean I’d love to see more of her professional life and some Alex/Arizona scenes but there’s nothing wrong about that.

No she isn’t.

I would recommend watching Grey’s. These three episodes have been fantastic. Like old grey’s. They have a perfect balance of humour, drama and sexiness. Also the characters are way more mature and get straight to the point. No one’s even that annoying anymore. Seriously, they’re really really good, especially

Exactly! The whole Kevin/Sophie doesn’t work because it isn’t earned. Are we honestly supposed to believe that Sophie after being cheated on and abandoned by Kevin for so many years would just come back to him after a nostalgic trip he did for her? It makes zero sense. Their shoehorned storyline is one big flaw of the

Urghhh Kate was so annoying this episode. Like I get what they were trying to do with her storyline but man did I feel bad for Rebecca. I get that their relationship is complicated but to hate Rebecca for things she can’t exactly control (weight, singing voice) was just not clicking with me. It’s not like Rebecca was

This made me laugh way more than it should have.

Honestly anytime Kevin shares scenes with Randall and/or Beth (and even William), it makes him 100 times more interesting and fun to watch. I couldn’t care less about his story with Sophie. And the Kate and Kevin stuff is good too but nothing beats Kevin/Randall.

Really? I thought this was a great epsidoe. The weakest one the show has had was the Season 1 finale. I did not like that episode.

Oh THANK GOD for that. Kristina truly was the worst. Along with her constant enabling of Max (who was also terrible too).