
LOL. I mean Parenthood was better though. I feel like this show relied a little too much on manipulation.. but it shines when it doesn’t. Parenthood didn’t do that. And honestly I highly doubt this show is going to reach the heights that Parenthood did in Season 4.

The promos of this show are terrible. But the show is actually pretty good.

I’m really glad this show is still good. I was afraid it was going to go into a sophomore slump. Glad to know that atleast these two episodes don’t have any signs of that.

Clearly. I mean it’s only one of the highest rated scripted shows on TV and has the most loyal fanbase. But sure. No one cares.

And once I again I was most moved by Kinmel’s speech. There is so much sincerity in his speech (not that there isn’t with the others, usually Colbert tops my favourite of the night, then Conan). But there is something about how personal this tragedy (and the healthcare debacle) is for him that really hits me in the

This is sick. I can’t believe that people like this exist. I also can’t believe they’re given platforms to voice their sick, awful and disgusting opinions. I get the concept of free speech but good fucking lord, no one except him and his room deserve to hear crap like this in the wake of a tragedy. People like him

Logan is fucking terrible. He’s literally the poster child for overprivileged assholes with too many opportunities and money that he didn’t earn. Also extra smug because of that money that he is LUCKY enough to be born into. God I wish someone punched him on the show. I really needed to see that.

I feel like the town could have been a little ashamed of her. But yeah the fact that literally nothing happened to her and that she was able to so smoothly waltz into that awful rich crowd was just not fun to watch. Normal people suffer lots of consequences for cheating. But Rory doesn’t. And yet we’re supposed to

You know what bothered me most about these episodes..? Rory didn’t get enough shit for what she did. Dean deserved it far more but Rory deserved more shit than she got. She barely suffered any consequences. I’m sorry but Lindsey’s mom had every right to yell at her. She needed to be yelled at more.

I mean I really liked her in Juno and Inception. She did a fantastic job in both movies.

I thought the first season was very entertaining but since then, it’s not been that interesting.

I would love to see a Derek hallucination via Amelia. But I highly doubt that would happen. I don’t see Patrick Dempsey coming back.

Seriously though what is Ellen Page doing in awful movies like this? She’s far too talented to be in drivel nonsense. I’d honestly like to see in a movie or TV show that actually showcases her acting skills well with a good script.

Amelia’s storyline is going to be so good. Especially with the crazy amount of Derek nostalgia that’s going to be attached to it. I do agree that the tumor shouldn’t excuse her behaviour. Obviously the writers haven’t been planning to give her a brain tumor since the beginning but I thought it made perfect sense that

That and all her conversations with Ben. Just hilarious. I’m so pumped for the rest of the season. The Amelia stuff is going to be SO good. What I liked a lot about the premiere was that all the emotional stuff and conflicts were earned and not forced like last season. I also read somewhere that they thought back a

That was hilarious! I honestly haven’t laughed at a GA episode in a very very long time. Usually Jo is very grating but I found her stuff really funny too!

Honestly I thought everything was amazing. Meredith in the end was amazing. I’m so glad they’re not making her he other woman. April was fantastic. The one complain I had about last season was forced conflicts and everyone acting like they were 15. It was so refreshing to see everyone (well except Amelia and jo.. but

Yeah this is good. Great. So listen you guys need to review the Grey’s episode. It was so good and I love that the show is so back on form after the disaster of last season. Like the ending was just so good. I need to discuss this episode. You know properly not at that awful EW section. Also! Can’t wait for the rest

Yaaaaay Superstore is back!!

I really like him too. Celebrities have a public platform to gather support for or against something’s whether people like it or not, and when celebs like Kimmel use that despite their privilege to bring awareness about a fucked up dangerous bill that would affect non-rich people, its a very good use of that platform.