
The Matt Damon is stuff is gold. I laugh at every skit. It’s so well done and not overplayed. The bit at the Oscars this year and Emmys last year was just perfect.

Milo Ventimiglia continues to surprise me with how good he is on the show. Jess was always my favourite character on Gilmore Girls but I always thought that had more to do with the writing of the character than Milo’s acting. But he’s proven to be really good on this show.

I don’t know why but this makes me very happy. They are ridiculously cute together.

Absolutely agreed. There are always opposing sides to an opinion and that’s fine, people should get an opportunity to voice their opinions but people like this asshole do it solely to trigger people. It’s disgusting and awful. Also there is a way to voice your opinion without being a racist, sexist pedophile. I truly

Jim and Pam always give me the feels (same with Monica/Chandler) and I love that they are the example you’ve given. I completely agree with the manufactured drama between L&L in Season 6. It felt SO out of character. Lorelai is never one to shut up and not tell people how she’s feeling. It felt so wrong and out of

That’s true. Paris was far more sympathetic later on. In terms of acting I kinda agree with you. Liza Weil (Paris) is a very very good actress. Until the Handmaid’s Tale, I always dismissed Alexis Bledel but she has proven that she can act so maybe it’s just Rory that she couldn’t grasp very well.

Her saying ‘He was my boyfriend first!’ As a justification was so hard to watch.

You know I might just! Lol. But I’ve watched the first few seasons of the Good Wife and I kind of love him there so I have zero problem with him as an actor.

She did get pretty terrible. It’s astonishing how much I hate Rory on the show. Like even more than I hated Joffrey. I think it’s because GOT wanted us to hate Joffrey but GG does not intend for us to hate Rory, we should root for her, which gets very hard as the show progresses

All throughout the show I was waiting for someone to punch Logan hard. I was hoping it was Naked guy Marty and then he didn’t do it and then I hoped Jess would punch him but no. The revival should’ve included him and his awful friends get punched by Luke and Jess.

Uh he’s such a fucking dipshit. I remember him coming for a speech or rally or some nonsense last year to my campus. What I loved was the crazy amount of people protesting him and that gave me some faith in humanity. The college republican group promoting him however... did not. Especially when their ‘promotion’ of

And so begins Rory’s complete downfall as a person (and character). All her trysts later (and the revival) are steeped in massive entitlement and awfulness that she never ever recovers from.

I’m so bummed Friday Night Lights is leaving Netflix. I need to watch that show atleast once a year (or once in six months). It’s such a beautiful, subtle and gorgeous show that evoked so many emotions without even trying too hard!

Exactly! Veep in its lowest is still excellent. A lot of that has to do with the excellent cast and the rapport they have with each other. Also the problem with Veep this season was that the main plot throughout the season was weak but the dialogue was still 100% gold.

Agreed. I actually couldn’t even finish the 3rd season of Kimmy Schmidt. I was bored. I never got bored of Veep once and kept looking forward to every episode.

Agreed. These people are far too harsh on the show. A ridiculously strong cast plus some really really funny episodes (Georgia) does equal good show. The only big issue with this season was the finale. In that it was its pacing. JLD deserved every single win. She’s too good. If these people are prissy about that,

This may have been the weakest season of Veep but it’s still the funniest comedy on air. I love Master of None to pieces but I don’t watch it for comedy because it isn’t particularly funny. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was good but again Veep was far far funnier. Isn’t that what comedy means anyway? So I don’t get the

There is definitely star power, no doubt but I thought the show was very very well made. I was surprised as too how much I loved it.

And all very very well deserved! 👏

Tony’s truly are the best ones. Awarding people that actually deserve it. The Emmys were changing last year but this year was crap (with a few exceptions). The Oscars are dumb, stupid and predictable. Also very boring. The Grammys truly are the worst.