
Elisabeth Moss was nominated NINE times before winning this?!? Holy shit, talk about overdue!

Grey’s Anatomy actually had a really good 2015-16 season. And there is a considerable fandom. So that one is more than justified. Hey atleast it isn’t drivel trash like Pretty Little Liars. Grey’s atleast has good acting.

I disagree that Julia Louis Dreyfuss should remove herself. Why is it her responsibility to do so? She gives BRILLIANT performances time after time and deserves every win. The Emmys are the ones that give these awards. If her win is getting tired... then it’s on them to give the award to someone else. While we’re at

Yesss! I found her reaction so adorable and so authentic. I was totally rooting for her! Although I do admit I loved her in the Leftovers more than the Handmaid’s Tale. But I loved the Leftovers over everything regardless.

Lol exactly! The Leftovers is better than every show nominated this year. Yes even better than the Handmaid’s Tale.

I don’t think it’s for 999+ comments because I got those symbols too and I’ve made overall made about 700 comments here. But yeah so many notifications!!

I agree. This is Us is decent but in no way a contender for best show. Esp compared to the other nominees. It’s ludricous to suggest so.

Okay but This Is Us isn’t even that good! If it wins against the nominees there... I will be very surprised. This is Handmaid’s Tale award to lose (although I would’ve picked the Leftovers over any and every show).

Hanging by coatails?! Are you serious?! I think her ridiculously accomplished resume would beg to differ.

Thank you for saying this! She is NOT solely responsible for losing the election. It takes a fucking village to run a campaign and DNC takes a lot of the blame for the loss. She’s acknowledging that she’s made mistakes, but hey let’s blame a woman who dared to ran for presidency and claim that everything ever is her

So much for draining the swamp huh? God these people are fucking terrible.

In my opinion it’s a coping strategy. The level of loss and failure she’s suffered, especially at her age isn’t an easy thing to overcome. And before all you people start with ‘get over it’ ‘so the fuck what’, think if you spent 30 years in public service, built your career, took all the heinous levels of vitriol

I don’t get the high level of vitriol either. Is she perfect? Ofcourse not. No one is. But she would have been a great President. The fact that people actually equate her as being as bad as Trump is fucking ridiculous.

She wrote a book. Yes it’s going to be better than that garbage shit that Trump ‘wrote’. Yes it’s going to be a bestseller. Also yes, it’s written by a woman who happens to be incredibly smart, vigilant, hardworking and very very accomplished. All the Trump supporters can whine on and on and on about it... but it’s

God these people are so pathetic. First they try to use their time and money to prove that Trump’s books sales are higher than Hillary’s.. which would never ever happen considering most Trump supporters don’t even read. Second when their attempt inevitably fails they try to pin it on a ‘conspiracy theory’. Because

Good. When the justice system fails it’s good to know that people and law professors take it into their own hands to throw vitriol against the guilty. Even if that punishment isn’t nearly enough for the crime he committed, atleast people won’t let him forget.

In all fairness though, AV club has always covered this stuff. And their snark works well which is why I enjoy reading them. I do agree that it’s new layout makes it difficult to differentiate with those other awful sites. Jezebel is definitely the worst.

Good! I’m glad. I hated those leaks so much. I like waiting till Sunday and watching an episode live and then fervently discussing it later. It’s a fun event. Those leaks ruin that fun.

No performances on TV this year have affected me as much as the performances on the Leftovers. Even the ones on the Handmaid’s Tale didn’t have the same effect on me.

John Oliver’s show is undoubtedly the best. However I hope Colbert takes the prize. Just because I love him and his monologues have been ON FIRE all season. I’m literally only watching the Emmys for his monologue. I like Kimmel. He’s entertaining and is funny. Corden is mediocre. He is like Jimmy Fallon, where he