
Both Taylor Kitsch and Vince Vaughn shouldn’t have been part of the second season. If the story had just been about Rachel McAdams and Colin Farrell’s characters, it would’ve been a lot better despite the weird writing.

Agreed! I really like him as an actor but I haven’t seen him anything good since the OC.

This actually bums me out because I would’ve loved to see Adam Brody as the Flash.

I’ve missed Rami Malek on my screen. Can’t wait for the show to be back!

They report on Western European countries though. Paris, Barcelona, London, Manchester, etc. There are almost zero reports of disasters and terrorism happening in South Asia (which, unfortunately happens a lot).

I mean it makes sense that American disasters get more coverage (as they should, this is the US after all) but since it is the US and it is the biggest economy of the world, support extended to Asian countries is very helpful. I don’t see any pray for India or pray for Nepal or pray for Bangladesh as much as I see

That’s true and kind of sad because the amount of terrorist attacks and disasters that take place in India itself is alarming. Also the destruction and carnage that precedes them. Also interesting, no celebrities ever talk about praying for any of those countries or bringing any form of awareness there. Just the US

It’s very interesting that almost no American media has extensively reported on the massive floods in South Asia. The loss of 1100 people. It’s really bad. Especially when South Asia’s infrastructure just can’t support the destruction these floods cause. It’s an awful scene all around.

Don’t like the song but gotta admit that last part where each Taylor persona rip into each other was kind of fantastic.

The lack of comments on these page is depressing. I miss the witty, sarcastic, fun community this website used to have.

I agree. Jess was more than a boyfriend to Rory. He had an actual personality for one. He had storylines outside of Rory, like his relationship with Luke, that were actually more interesting than anything with Rory. He had good characterization and actually had good character development unlike Logan.

I’m going to admit, I’ve seen the scene where Jess tells Rory he loves her too many times (on YouTube). And I swoon EVERYTIME. I know that teenage Jess has problems but I could never stop rooting for him. Also like mentioned in the article, none of Rory’s former or subsequent boyfriends/love interests could rival the

Agreed. Shake it Off, Bad Blood and Blank Space weren’t all that great but he rest of the album is really really good . So I’m hoping this song falls under that category and that the rest of the album is good!

Right?! It’s such a fantastic song that people haven’t heard. I think it’s her best song. The lyrics are kind of brilliant too!

Yeah this is hilariously bad. Through all of the crazy publicity stunts she’s pulled, she’s atleast made good music. I genuinely enjoy 1989 a lot (New Romantics falls under my Top 25 songs list) but by god this song is bad.

This is pretty terrible and I like Taylor’s songs quite a bit. I hope her rest of her album is good because I’m actually looking forward to it (sue me, she makes some really good songs).

Seriously how did Trump win?! I’m still baffled. Those debates feel like surefire reminders that there was a time where we all believed that an incompetent orange fat fuck couldn’t possibly win the fucking presidency. Especially over someone who was pretty much overqualified for the job.

Who on earth even liked Leto’s portrayal of the Joker?! He was the worst part of an awful, no good very bad movie.

Then what’s the point of making the movie? We’ve seen many standalone batman movies, why do we need another one?

Good lord that is a shit ton of money. I hardly think any of these actors do such stellar work do deserve THIS much money.