
That…. doesn't sound good at all. I honestly hope they get rid of all the characters (save for cute gay guy and Cobie Smulders) and replace them with other characters. That would be a better show.

None of my friends or family in India have even heard this show exists. Netflix is still very new there.

I mean surprised. This show was absolute shit from start to finish. All the characters were shit and I feel bad for the good actors on the show who had to works with awful material. I mean what is Season 2 going to even be about?

Maybe the white walkers should win then.

Sooo the dragon will breathe ice now? I mean that's kind of a fantastic ode to the name of the series.

Is she still making money off Friends syndication? Considering how much they air Friends around the world, im guessing it's enough so she never has to work again ever.

Theories don't translate to facts. It's like trusting the tabloids each time they print 'Jennifer Aniston is expecting!'

Agreed. That Oscar belonged to her in 2013.

I'm doing a rewatch now and I completely agree! Tami is simply the best. I can never get enough of the wonderful Tami and Coach relationship! And yeah Julie was awful. But honestly there are far worse teenagers on TV. Julie was the most realistically obnoxious.

One Tree Hill was a dumpster fire garbage of a show. Bad acting, writing and everything. Just awful. I don't get the love for it.

His entire recap segment before he tackled North Korea was so accurate it's depressing. How has the states come to a stage where the president doesn't even condemn white supremacy? Where despite all the violence and misery caused this weekend, that sick bastard wouldn't even condemn the Nazi ideologies those sick

Not all of them. I've watched many Bollywood films and a lot of them are very well-constructed and well acted. They just don't have a good reputation with people in the US for some reason.

So far the 'Season of Reunions' is on a roll! Nice to have Gendry back!

Gendry!! Finally!! His scene with Jon was genuinely lovely!
Still a solid episode

Wow it's crazy how much of season 4 I don't remember. Rory was pretty much nonexistent till the last few eps!

This is the most accurate statement I've read in regards to the motivations of these assholes. They actually believe that equality among race, class, gender is oppression for them. Fucking assholes.

The current political climate is doing no favours in curbing these people and their vile thoughts. These people believe that since the president himself is someone who prides himself on grabbing women's genitalia regardless of their consent, then why shouldn't they accuse a woman of lying about sexual assault? After

Yeah a lot of Facebook comments have people calling her a liar and a snake and saying it's just for attention and sympathy and that she was playing a victim. It was disgusting. I'm pretty sure that even after the judge threw the case out there will be some people accusing her of lying.

Yeah I agree with everything you said about the squad stuff. Her entire Bad Blood video is a shameless promotion tactic. It didn't help that everyone in her squad was mostly comprised of VS models. It's also telling that all of that squad stuff has completely disappeared now. Which proves the fact that it was just for

So I agree about the squad stuff. I don't like that either because since her demographic does comprise of a lot of teenage girls, it definitely doesn't send the right message. However, it's not her responsibility to send any form of signals or be a top most role model of some sort (most male singers don't anyway).