
Her music may not be the best (it's quite catchy though) but damn if she isn't smart. It's evident even more now. I mean she got Apple Music to stop its policy of not paying its artists during the free trial too.
Also I think the hate towards her is quite strong for no reason.

Agreed. She was so charming and wonderful that it stings more that they killed her off in the end. Damn those dumbass writers.

I was hoping that since the revival was on Netflix, they could give us a butt shot too. It would have redeemed his awful storyline for me.

It was really cute actually. And the best part is Ross coming up with 'Mondler' as their name.

Lol that sandwich meltdown was so funny. Thinking about it makes me crack up.

To be honest The Big Bang Theory completely stopped being funny somewhere around season 5 or 6. Friends might have had a downslide in quality in the latter seasons but it remained funny and watchable. TBBT not so much.

As the seasons progressed, Ross got dumber but much funnier. His antics were so funny. Unhinged lunatic was much funnier than nerdy guy anyway.

Man during rewatch do I start hating Lily so much. Marshall was literally a saint of a man to put up with her bullshit.

Ross and Rachel were the worst but Chandler was hilarious in that episode. So was Joey.

I like Jennifer Aniston a lot and I think she had good comic timing on the show but the strongest is without a doubt Lisa Kudrow. She nailed the comedy and dramatic moments too well. Also she played Ursula for a few episodes and she differentiated Phoebe and Ursula so well.

Yeah Monica and Chandler are my favourite sitcom couple of all time. And that's saying something because there are so many amazing sitcom couples (Jim and Pam, Ben and Leslie, Andy and April, etc)

Agreed. Monica and Chandler were by far the most romantic, healthy and adorable couple on the show. Not too mention that their scenes and their relationship has actually aged well and they were very very entertaining to watch. Growing older, my interest in watching the Ross/Rachel relationship in the early seasons

This episode was fan-fucking-tastic. I'm speechless.

I guess it doesn't work that well anymore. I'm not sure how much money Passengers made though.

Speaking of rerconning finales (I haven't watched either show doing that), how about we retcon the awful how I met your mother finale?

None of my friends post this. I'm aware how friend stuff works on Facebook thank you very much. It's the forums I follow that do. And I like those forums.

It's baffling really. This is Us is a decent show with one good storyline (Randall). The Leftovers is literally a masterpiece. I haven't seen a show this year that has affected me the way the Leftovers has (GOT is close though). I mean in what freaking universe does Justin Theroux's brilliant performance gets passed

I think it's more interesting how much this movie was promoted. The promotion started while they were filming and it went on and on and then it was ultimately revealed that the movie wasn't good at all. So much hype for nothing.

Watched Dunkirk. Really fantastic movie. Super intense though.

Post season 3 Rory evolves into an awful character. It's a shame really.