
If a potential second season featured people not enabling Rory's awful behaviour and her actually evaluating her life choices and dialing down the entitlement, it could be good. Also if the show acknowledges that time has passed, doesn't have an overdrawn musical and doesn't glamorize overprivileged rich kids in their

Actually I'm glad the show ended the Hunt/Riggs thing. It's hard to remember how tedious it had gotten because of how awfully tedious this season is, but the whole thing made Hunt so unlikeable and petty. I liked it when they resolved it during the wedding. But yeah the whole Maggie liking Riggs was just bad. I wished

Right? I mean from all of the insults that can be thrown at Jackson, Oompa Loompa is not even remotely plausible. Also love or hate his character, that man is hot. Hottest guy the show has ever had (yes, he's hotter than Mark Sloan too, but they rank pretty close).

I'm really glad you guys are covering this show. It's adorable.

Yeah, I caught that too. I remember there was an episode where Pam and Jim try to divert the phone operator guy from putting a new phone system in the office and they all start saying 'aye' and Michael joins in and you could see how thrilled he was that he was included in an 'inside joke'. It was subtle but so sweet

Have you seen him shirtless? Or you know his face? Or any part of him? You'll understand then.

Every time I watch the Office again (and I rewatch this show a LOT), I'm always in awe of how well-written and fully characterised Michael was. Steve Carell gave such a tremendous performance and its actual shame he never won even ONE Emmy for this iconic role.

My favourite one was with Mer, Cristina, Lexie, Izzie and George. It was the 1st time Meredith let Lexie into her life and it was a sweet moment. Man I miss those characters (not Izzie)

Arizona has such a bad habit of never knowing when to shut up. Remember last year when she blabbed April's pregnancy to Jackson? She was called out for it but still.

Putting Maggie and Jackson together would start another awful love triangle and honestly, no one wants to see that

Eh Derek was quite an asshole too. He probably had the biggest ego in the hospital and that's saying something.

Nah I like them. Yes April can be shrill sometimes but I still like her. Owen can get frustrating but I like him too. Jackson is great and an absolute hottie.

I get Derek's death being an obstacle and honestly it would have been very interesting to see Meredith struggle to get into a relationship due to that obstacle. The story could've been nuanced and would've given Ellen Pompeo a chance to do some great internal acting. And we know she'd sell the hell out of it. She did

Last season, I totally bought them together. Their hook up and flirtation after was cute. Even the beginning of the season had some moments but Meredith really looks she genuinely dislikes him. You're right that it's probably the acting but what I don't get is why it's so different from last season.

It really does. The episode where she was attacked will go down as one of the best episodes of Grey's ever. So breathtaking.

Does Meredith even want to be with Riggs? She treats him so terribly. I feel bad for the guy.

I vote for a Massacre that gets rid of Maggie, Amelia, Jo, DeLuca, Minnick.

Last season was so good that the drop in quality is staggering. How do you go from a season with episodes like the dinner party episode and Mer's attack episode to drivel like this?

I'm actually looking forward to next week's episode. If Grey's does one thing well is putting Meredith in a sort of PTSD situation. And honestly, this season needs some excitement.

Yes. And it is one of the highest rated shows on ABC. It's having a down year but last season was incredible. Your comment however: unoriginal and tired.