
Yeah it's annoying to watch the back and forth stuff. I like the chemistry between them but the whole thing is just off putting when Meredith is wish washy. Wasn't her growth in Season 12 supposed to indicate that she's far more mature now?

Yeah that is the exact problem I have with this arc. There is no emotional investment when it comes to Maggie or her mom. Yes it's sad but since most people don't care much about Maggie, there won't be much of a reaction for her.

Yeah Season 13 has been just awful. And I agree that the difference in quality between 12 &13 is jarring. I just wish they got rid of certain characters and gave the good ones good storylines to work with

I hope this indicates a slew of good episodes for the latter part of the season.

Higgins is so fucking annoying, it's actually grating.

If the show just focused on Colin Farrell and Rachel McAdams's characters, it would've been far better. Vince Vaughn was just awful. The character, the acting, the plot, everything. And Taylor Kitch was just bland and didn't contribute much. I liked him in FNL, but he was out of his element in True Detective.

Yeah I didn't except to like this show as much as I do! It's brilliant!

Oh man that was hilarious. Her throwing up on everything was the best insult she could give her ex tbh.

I too will be upset to see this show end next week. But I can't wait to see how it ends either!

Yeah he was really hot when he first came in!

Except that it's not true. He wants to talk to her about what she's going through. Her solution is to straight up run away and then tell her husband that he has no right to know why. Like that's fucked up.

He's trying to talk to her and understand her. How does that make him a monster? She lashes out without explanation and expects him to just not interfere. That's unreasonable. She is being selfish and awful and Owen deserves none of this.

I miss George. His death really hit hard!

Yeah. These two have reached levels worse than Izzie.

Right now, Amelia is the worst, my god was she awful this episode. I honestly didn't think she could get worse but she did. Throwing Cristina's name was just low and uncalled for. There is no reason for her to be this vindictive. There is no way any sane person would be able to take her side here. Owen has every right

Because someone dying would shake the show and it REALLY needs some shaking. And usually Grey's does aftermath drama really well.

The only time they didn't lie was when they said that Season 12 was the season of Meredith. And what an great season that was! Honestly I've reached a point that the only characters I care about are Meredith and Alex. Maybe Richard. I honestly don't care what happens to the rest. I used to care a lot about Jackson and

I think he has an inkling. Along with Joseph's wife. There is suspicion but he can't confirm it I think. He did mention to Madeline that something was off about her for a few days so this just added to his suspicion.

Man this show is so so good. The addictive quality of this show is ridiculous and the acting is just top notch!

If this show gets cancelled, I hope Leighton Meester gets a project worthy of her talents!