
Damn there are a lot of shows on Sunday!

Yeah but it doesn't make Maggie sympathetic. If they address it as a thing Maggie deals with and that she's working on it, that would be more compelling and would make her character more likeable. But since this season has reverted to everyone behaving awfully childish, running away, having screaming matches and

Yeah I've defended Amelia for the longest time and I really wanted her to be a good character. I liked her initially and I always took her side against Derek (who was such an ass to her, for no good reason). But lately her character has reached new levels of awful.. and for no good reason. None of this feels earned

Wow calm down. I never intended to be condescending. Why don't you stop assuming this about people just by misterprenting my comment?
Maybe I should've framed my question differently but since I never hear people talking about this show I wondered if it still had a fanbase. And anything I do hear is that this show is

Amelia is the actual worst. I honestly don't see her character getting better at all. I mean what kind of a person just runs away for weeks on end to avoid a conversation with her husband? A conversation that is pivotal. Urgh.

This was a good episode. I've always rooted for Jackson/April. They have chemistry and I dunno I just like them together. Maybe it's the nostalgia or just that every other couple that I liked has one or both partners dead. But I like them together. I'm hoping this episode is an indication that the rest of the season

Do people still watch this show? I personally couldn't stomach watching this somewhere around season 3. And by the looks of it, it's gotten worse. So I'm generally curious if this show still has a fanbase?

Yeah British Airways Economy for international flights is really good. Even Emirates has a comfortable economy class, along with good food. It's probably the only plane food I've actually enjoyed.

This scene along with the strudel scene with Shoshanna are my absolute favourite!

Finally. Can't wait for this show to come back

She was great in life partners! That was actually quite a sweet movie that never got any real recognition.

Yeah and really talented ones too. I grew up with Indian movies and I gotta tell you.. there are some really good actors out there, along with amazing directors. Some of the movies are kind of brilliant too (usually the ones that don't involve too much singing and dancing and drama)

While not white washing, I do believe that a lot of significant roles for Indians don't infact go to Indians. Case in point the Social Network and to an extent the Martian. There's very little representation of Indians in Hollywood which is baffling considering it's the 2nd most populated country in the world and has

This show is really addictive. I probably would've binged watched it on a Saturday if HBO released all the episodes together (glad they didn't)

Yeah it's a shame that Leighton Meester hasn't actually had any gigs worth her talent after she finished Gossip Girl. She needs to star in something that would put her on the map.

Yeah it pissed me off they killed not one but two female leads in one episode. I also hated how badly they treated Cami's character. She was a series regular but was only used as a device for Klaus's angst. I mean her death was ALL about him. Nothing about her or her family or her dreams and aspirations.. nothing.

No it isn't. The originals had a lot of potential and it squandered it. Also if you hate Hayley (I do too) don't watch the show. They put her before all the other characters and some characters don't have screentime because they give her preference. It's kind of awful

He hit the right notes with Paul Wesley. Even though I don't consider him to be a great actor, those Stefan and Damon scenes really hit the emotional notes well. I agree that it seemed forced with Nina. She did a great job (especially the scene at the end with Elena's family) but he was very stiff with her.

So this finale was better than I expected. For the longest time I've wondered how this show was going to end.. I didn't stick with it all through out (gave up sometime around season 7) but the ending wasn't bad. For me the ending is always Stefan and Damon. And I liked that the finale did give us a sembalance of that.

I completely agree with you. This show would be far more interesting if they showed these people actually work things out instead of running away and avoiding stuff. It would make for compelling drama and it's actually fun to watch. Season 12 was amazing for one of those reasons. Meredith actually working her shit out