
Yeah I'm actually looking forward to it too. Especially since they're introducing Jackson's father and I'd like to see how that relationship pans out.

Yup that she is. Especially when she's boy-crazy. She's insufferable then.

Yeah I don't think they're going down the Alex/Mer route. I hope they don't because their friendship is magnificent and I like Meredith/Riggs

This season is so terrible that I'm really hoping that someone (or more people) die so that we can have a rejuvinzed season 14! My list would include Jo, Amelia, Maggie, Minnick, Catherine.

Yeah the whole 'Kevin came to New York for Sophie' was definitely either a retcon or he was lying. Either way their relationship doesn't feel earned and I'm not invested in it at all.

The Life and Death Brigade was so awful. It was disgusting to watch overprivegeled pricks in their 30s throwing around money they didn't earn. Especially since that shit was glorified as hell.

She played Hermione well though! I liked her performance on Perks of being a Wallflower as well!

For a dream sequence it may have been okay. I just hate watching rich spoiled good for nothing bozos in their 30's prancing around and throwing away money they didn't earn… and worse, being glorified for it!

I personally love Jess and would love to see him more with or with our Rory. His relationship with Luke is one of my absolute favourites and while Rory is awful now.. she wasn't that bad at one point and I genuinely loved their relationship. Also he's super fun to watch on screen. He's witty, sarcastic and did I

True, Logan had actual development in season 7, something that was ignored. But I still don't like him and honestly I would've rather seen more Paris and Jess and 90% less of him.

Yeah I agree with you! Not adhering to any form of criticism definitely stilts you as a writer, especially one that thought that April Nardini was good idea. It's very obvious from the revival that the writer truly believed that all of the misgivings of the show in S5-6 were actually good storylines. Otherwise how on

Which baffles me. If a show has flaws and the writers had 9 years to fix it.. why would they magnify those flaws instead of getting rid of them? The show was best in S1-3 and worst in S6-7. But the revival felt like S6 tbh

Well Gilmore Girls could've been much better had the writers taken into account how times have changed. The premise of the show didn't exactly hinder them in that way. It's the writer's obsession with sticking to the exact plot they had written way back in 2006-07 and they're obsession to stick to the ending they had

Which is why I think the revival didn't work that well. The revival seemed like it was 2007 not 2016 and the characters seemed suspended in time with no character development.

Logan is an awful smarmy human being but he had good hair.

I'd watch the hell out of that. Also if Jess makes appearances, it would be brilliant.

Agreed. I love the actor on the Good Wife but good lord do I hate Logan. Smarmy piece of shit

I'm just glad to have her back on screen! Like you said, she is far too talented for Gossip Girl anyway.

Maybe Rory will be less insufferable this time. And maybe we'll get to see more Paris and Jess and very less of Logan! And no nonsensical musical and Life and Death Brigade nonsense.

Will probably watch this. Happy to have Leighton Meester on screen again!