
Did the police shoot and kill him? Oh right! He’s not black.

If this had happened in the U.K., the headlines would all be about “knicked knickers.”

If I had a chronic illness (which I do) that I’d been dealing with for years (I do), I wouldn’t want a partner who doesn’t want to be with me to stick around out of guilt.

Holy Week is Easter Week, basically. It is one of the highest points of the Christian calendar, but I promise you Jesus ain’t down with bullying teenagers who were recently in the middle of a mass shooting the other 51 weeks of the year.

I love how utterly, painfully obvious these scumsucking goatlickers are about their corruption. They act like villains from Captain Planet.

Does anyone else feel like this is a direct reaction to the popular/positive news stories about the unveiling of the Obama portraits? Like, Old Donny is so pissed that Obama made headlined during his precious presidency that he’s nipping all portraiture in the butt just to make sure they can’t paint anymore cool pics

Tis not my television viewing habits at stake! You shall have to make your choice for yourself :)

No matter what Jon Stewart says I like their sandwiches.

I guess they want to save up for the 300' statue of Trump that’ll soon be straddling the Mall.

You can still hire this asshole.

This is actually a very wise move. Since most high level Trump government employees likenesses will be memorialized by court artist drawings, oil paintings would be redundant and unnecessary. Conte’ is just as good.

Yep. That’s pretty much straight up propaganda on a major network.

I suppose we won’t be able to get this in oil...

This dude is pretty boss. You could say he’s...

When it’s from an adult with her own television show and is meant to harass and mock a teenager who recently experienced and survived a tragedy.

The only painting of Trump’s family worthy of federal funds:

David Hogg........take a gap year tbh.

lol, is this a response to the fact that the Obamas had portraits released recently? That is fucking pathetic. The GOP still can’t handle the fact that we had a Black president and first lady for four years and that they were great.

Roseanne the first person to actually disrespect the anthem.