
Ther are a lot of suspicious comments targeting MSNBC and Joy Reid, and Rachel Maddow on this site lately. I suspect they drank the Cheetolini kool aid and highly suspect Russian bots.

I am a woman, I have seen this sign many times. I was waiting for a big reveal that it was something OTHER than a side view of the door on the bin.

Yeah, that’s the flappy door and the side of the container. Sorry, I always knew this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I have never seen/noticed this particular sign. Maybe since I haven’ had a period in 7 years (thanks Mirena!) I don’t look at the feminine hygenie disposal box much. That being said, I initially thought they looked like knitting needles.

Hey I just read this this morning. You don’t necessarily need to take a break commenting just listen when we say something and try not to get defensive. That is all.

Virtual Brit here messaging from home today (even created a burner just to state this) - just want to say I have ZERO affiliation with brit on the side!!!


“can you do it in the shower”

Out of respect for the frustration my original post caused, I’m going to take a posting break, but I didn’t want to leave you hanging.  I’m an older gay man with a fairly diverse friend group. My work puts me in a position of building online communities, which includes crafting and enforcing rules around what’s

Do magazines like Cosmo give young girls body image issues because of unrealistic beauty standards? It’s certainly possible. Are these images the equivalent of sexual harassment/assault? Hell no.

Per a buddy:

You know what trend I find... interesting? The plethora of male commenters here telling me what I need to know, or reiterating statements unnecessarily just to get their quota of starred comments for the day.

Sorry I didn’t put my gay card on the table. As a queer man, I’ve found comfort in both the point of view of the posts and many of the resulting conversations. Both the content and the culture suggests, pretty loudly, that you share this space with me.

I appreciate you not dismissing my reply, as that was ENTIRELY expected. There are blogs online that were originally created for certain people, so we’d have a “safe place” (I know we all hate that term, but forgive my limited vocabulary here).

There are so few queer roles and, yeah, it would be great to have queer roles played by queer folks rather than straight people praised for their “bravery” for being paid well to pretend to be what we are every day.

Giving every straight person who plays a queer person the benefit of the doubt by assuming they’re closeted is absurd.

I don’t blame you. The whole ego thing gets so old - like how could we ever not need their opinion? That’s all we’ve been getting since forever. I know a lot of women here fight for men to have a comfortable space to comment as well as women, but after a lifetime of accommodating them I don’t at all see anything wrong

I was thinking Feldman was showboating again and this was either a random (or entirely fabricated) incident but then you called him a “snitch” and I’m now forced to defend Corey Feldman. Since when do we call survivors of child sex abuse “snitches”? Seriously, that’s fucked up.