
Sorry, I’m just exhausted by the conversation and I want to move forward.

Child actor. Well, I guess more accurately, an actor that became famous as a child. He has been in some pretty big films (e.g., The Lost Boys, Stand By Me, The Goonies, etc.).

“It’s about a woman ...”

I mean - he did just get stabbed.

If people are stabbing him, the security’s not working!

At first I was surprised Feldman had security with him...but I guess if people are stabbing him, it’s a prudent choice.

The fact that your post (and most of the article) also describes Harvey Weinstein was not lost on me.

Thank you. This is what needs to be said.

What is with these douchecanoes and their ability to fail up?!

No way! Next y’all will be telling me that Sean Penn writes bad poetry!

I couldn’t get into Rick and Morty either.

I disagree with your disagreement. It’s a very common phenomenon in domestic violence situations to kill their target and then themselves, and even their children, known as family annihilators.

Though warrior women

I’m sorry, I just can’t get over the last quote in Fallon’s review.

A belated Welcome to Maryland if you’re still here. If not, come back and visit us sometime.

Amazon is categorizing this as “Absurdist Fiction”, so, you know, it’s some high concept art and shit, ok? So, shut up and fork over $18.59 (23% off list). Buncha damn plebeians.

He didn’t/doesn’t have to hide it better. He’s abusing black girls. US society at large doesn’t give AF about black girls.

There seems to be a new trend in newborn photography, where the baby is wrapped in gauze. I hate it. They look like they’ve ben swaddled with an Ace bandage or something.

It’s pretty clear Rollins didn’t intend to shoot anyone except Ms Wiley. The fact he “walked through the school” without firing another shot supports this. As far as he was concerned: mission accomplished. He probably also planned to kill himself, maybe at a later time (though his “walk” through the school indicates