
Sounds like someone lacking in the quality of porkability.

No doubt he'll go out the same way.

Much like Samson drew power from his hair, Galifianakis draws hilarity from his fat.

I'm playing on Survival. I haven't been dying that much, or at least not enough for me to take notice (I always assume I'll die quite a bit in a game like this.) I don't think I've had to play through any section more than two or three times. A lot of areas have a safe haven in a fairly central location, so I'll go

I'm not sure about the exact year the game's events take place in, but as you progress through the game, you pick up some journal entries the main character wrote in the early 2000s.

Because of Guy Fawkes?

Heavens, this news is giving me the vapors.

I wasn't interested in this game at all based on the promotional videos I saw. It looked like a big budget Outlast that didn't understand what Outlast did. I picked it up anyway, after watching the GameTrailers review and watching someone play a stretch of it on Twitch. I'm about 5 hours into it, and I'm really

Don't you find it strange, though, that in our society a woman who takes a man's virginity will yell out the dictionary entry for "digital" mid-coitus? Tradition is tradition, I guess.

Of course you poors wouldn't understand basic stoop etiquette.

I once left a 10 cent tip. She ruined my birthday.

Jesus Christ, Internet!

That Toys R Us rep really blew it with that "indefinite sabbatical" quip.

So you made $791.67/hr, and your neighbor's sister only made $750/hr? Wow, there's even a gender wage gap built into the bullshit of spam bots.

I don't know what's wrong with me today, but at first I thought this was talking about parents letting their children walk in on them. God damn pronouns.

It took me awhile to realize jhon was deducting a star because of the language and parshal nudity and alcohol use not for Christians.

I didn't even read this comment.

This doesn't boad well.

I might be too upset about Mickey to be coherent, but I thought this was a great episode. The girl who played young Gillian had the vocal cadence down perfectly. Gillian has always been a tragic character, but seeing her as a little girl and knowing what's coming to her was extra heart breaking.

I've never heard of Martian Manhunter, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar and a libelist.